Articles: checklist.
Multicenter Study
The introduction of a safety checklist in two UK hospital emergency departments: A qualitative study of implementation and staff use.
To explore the extent to which a checklist designed to support patient safety in hospital Emergency Departments was recognised and used by staff. ⋯ The Emergency Department Safety Checklist is a response to an overcrowded environment. To realise the potential of the checklist, emergency departments should take the following steps during implementation: (a) focus on the core function of clinical safety, (b) fully integrate the checklist into the existing workflow and (c) employ a departmental team-based approach to implementation and training.
Nurse education today · Apr 2020
Using tabletop exercises to evaluate nurses' clinical performance of hazardous materials disaster management: A cross-sectional study.
Hazardous materials (Hazmat) disaster is a specific event with low probability but may be a heavy burden on public health. Competence in Hazmat disaster emergency management is necessary for nurses who care about mass casualties in the first line, especially for nurses in military hospitals. However, less attention has been paid to evaluation of competence of Hazmat disaster emergency responses using tabletop exercises. ⋯ The tabletop exercise is an innovative method for disaster nursing educators seeking to evaluate response competence in Hazmat disaster simulation exercises. It is necessary to consider the characteristics of the participants when designing the training program and educational strategies. Participants from the military hospital were shown to have limited competence in Hazmat disaster emergency management.