Articles: pandemics.
Updates on the coronavirus.
On 31 December 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Committee of Health and Healthcare (Hubei Province, China) reported that there were 27 cases of pneumonia of unknown origin with symptoms starting on the 8 December. There were 7 serious cases with common exposure in market with shellfish, fish, and live animals, in the city of Wuhan. On 7 January 2020, the Chinese authorities identified that the agent causing the outbreak was a new type of virus of the Coronaviridae family, temporarily called «new coronavirus», 2019-nCoV. ⋯ On 11 February 2020 the WHO assigned it the name of SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19). The Ministry of Health summoned the Specialties Societies to prepare a clinical protocol for the management of COVID-19. The Spanish Paediatric Association appointed a Working Group of the Societies of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Paediatric Intensive Care to prepare the present recommendations with the evidence available at the time of preparing them.
On February 21st, 2020 the first case of severe acute respiratory syndrome due to the coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing the CoViD-19 disease, was identified in Italy. In the following days, despite the restrictive public health measures aimed to avoid the infection's spread, the number of cases increased. As of March 8th, 2020, Italy is the 2nd most affected country in the world. As of March 6th, 2020, the Italian Society of Anesthesia Analgesia Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) published operational recommendations and ethical considerations to support the clinicians involved in the care of critically-ill CoViD-19 patients, in regard a probable scenario where an imbalance between supply and demand of ICU beds, is put in place by a steadily rising number of these patients.
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi · Apr 2020
[Discovery of intervention effect of Chinese herbal formulas on COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis treated by VEGFR and FGFR inhibitors].
Since February 2020, a large number of patients infected with new coronavirus has been cured and discharged with the controlling of epidemic. Pulmonary fibrosis, which may be one of the sequela caused by COVID-19, not only brings dyspnea and deterioration of lung function, but also affects patients' life because of its high mortality and poor prognosis. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor(VEGFR) and fibroblast growth factor receptor(FGFR) can inhibit the proliferation, activation and migration of fibroblasts by regulating the signal transduction pathway involved in the process of pulmonary fibrosis. ⋯ The main symptom of COVID-19 is damp-heat stagnating in the lung, which always causes impairment of body fluid and Qi. Clinical observation shows that patients in the recovery period are mostly at the status that the remaining virus toxicity is not exhausted while the vital Qi have not recovered. The results of this study are expected to provide references for clinical medication in preventing and treating pulmonary fibrosis caused by COVID-19.