Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2025
Comparison of Outcomes for Emergency Medical Services-Transported Infants With Suspected Brief Resolved Unexplained Events Before and After the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.
This study compares care-seeking behavior, care delivery, and outcomes for infants with suspected brief resolved unexplained events (BRUEs) who were treated by emergency medical services (EMS) and emergency department clinicians before and after the onset of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and stay-at-home mandates. ⋯ For EMS-treated infants with paramedic-suspected BRUE, presentations and hospital admissions were similar before and after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home mandates. There was a longitudinal increase in EMS transports for infants with suspected BRUE before the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home mandates, which then leveled off in the after period.
Dehydration is a primary cause of visits to pediatric emergency departments (PED). ⋯ In this PED cohort, we found no predictors for RV to the PED. However, HCO3 ≤16 mmol/L, physician-estimated dehydration >5%, ≥1 IV fluid bolus, and PED antibiotics were associated with increase hospital admission. If replicated, these findings can help clinicians make faster disposition decisions when caring for dehydrated pediatric patients.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Characteristics of emergency department patients with confirmed diagnoses of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease vs patients with respiratory symptoms and a suspected diagnosis.
To describe differences in patient characteristics and case management between patients attended in emergency departments (EDs) with confirmed diagnoses of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) vs those with respiratory symptoms in whom COPD is suspected. ⋯ Clinical characteristics and management of emergency care differ between patients with confirmed vs suspected COPD. Patients with suspected COPD had more limited access to certain diagnostic, therapeutic, and follow-up resources.
Emerg Med Australas · Feb 2025
A pilot trial exploring the use of music in the emergency department and its association with delirium and other clinical outcomes.
To assess potential feasibility of a targeted music intervention trial in older ED patients and association with clinical outcomes. ⋯ Self-selected use of a targeted music intervention was feasible in a cohort of older ED patients. While we were likely underpowered to detect associations between intervention and outcome, collection of selected outcome measures proved feasible; these may be helpful in larger scale studies. Exploration of barriers and facilitators to use, as well as preferred delivery methods, are likely to be helpful in wider investigations of music therapy in this high-risk cohort.
Multicenter Study
Means to an end: Characteristics and follow-up of emergency department patients with a history of suicide attempt via medication overdose.
Availability and accessibility of a wide range of medications may be a contributing factor to rising medication-related overdose (OD) rates. Treatment for both suicide attempts (SAs) and ODs often occurs in the emergency department (ED), highlighting its potential as a screening and intervention point. The current study aimed to identify sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of individuals who reported SA via medication OD compared to other methods and to examine how these patients' suicide severity and behaviors differed over 12-month post-ED follow-up. ⋯ Among patients presenting to the ED, females, individuals with bipolar disorder, and patients with a college education, respectively, may be at highest risk for SAs via medication OD. Prospectively, medication OD appears to be a frequent method, even among individuals with no prior attempt via OD, as demonstrated by the high percentage of patients who did not have a medication OD at baseline, but reported a medication OD during follow-up.