Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
Meta Analysis
Effectiveness of nurse-initiated X-ray for emergency department patients with distal limb injuries: a systematic review.
The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature on the effectiveness of nurse-initiated X-ray for emergency department patients with distal limb injuries. The review protocol was registered with PROSPERO and CINHAL, MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched for studies comparing nurse-initiated vs physician-initiated X-ray. Because of heterogeneity of patients, providers and outcomes, a meta-analysis was not performed. ⋯ The quality of evidence for each outcome ranged from very low-to-moderate. Compared with physician-initiated X-ray, nurse-initiated X-ray uses no more resources, is safe and acceptable to patients. Nurse-initiated X-ray did not reduce time to X-ray or waiting time but in some studies, reduced emergency department length of stay and unplanned follow-up.
This clinical policy from the American College of Emergency Physicians addressed key issues in the evaluation and management of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with acute headache. A writing subcommittee conducted a systematic review of the literature to derive evidence-based recommendations to answer the following clinical questions: (1) In the adult emergency department patient presenting with acute headache, are there risk-stratification strategies that reliably identify the need for emergent neuroimaging? (2) In the adult emergency department patient treated for acute primary headache, are nonopioids preferred to opioid medications? (3) In the adult emergency department patient presenting with acute headache, does a normal noncontrast head computed tomography scan performed within 6 hours of headache onset preclude the need for further diagnostic workup for subarachnoid hemorrhage? (4) In the adult emergency department patient who is still considered to be at risk for subarachnoid hemorrhage after a negative noncontrast head computed tomography, is computed tomography angiography of the head as effective as lumbar puncture to safely rule out subarachnoid hemorrhage? Evidence was graded and recommendations were made based on the strength of the available data.
Intravenous dextrose aids in the resolution of ketosis in dehydrated patients not tolerating oral glucose and is often recommended in this clinical scenario. Our aim was to determine whether the addition of dextrose to intravenous rehydration solutions results in decreased hospital admissions or other clinically important benefits among dehydrated children or adults. ⋯ The addition of dextrose to intravenous saline has not been shown to improve clinical outcomes in dehydrated children presenting to the emergency department with gastroenteritis, but the confidence intervals around the estimate of effect are wide and include the possibility of substantial benefit.
Review Meta Analysis
Racial and ethnic disparities in the management of acute pain in US emergency departments: Meta-analysis and systematic review.
This review aims to quantify the effect of minority status on analgesia use for acute pain management in US Emergency Department (ED) settings. ⋯ This study demonstrates the presence of racial disparities in analgesia use for the management of acute pain in US EDs. Further research is needed to examine patient reported outcomes in addition to the presence of disparities in other groups besides Black and Hispanic.
Issues Ment Health Nurs · Jul 2019
Meta AnalysisPrevalence and Risk Factors of Emergency Department Presentations with Methamphetamine Intoxication or Dependence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Background: Methamphetamine intoxication presentations to emergency departments (EDs) including trauma centres, general EDs and psychiatric emergency services have risen world-wide. Objectives: A review of the clinical characteristics of patients presenting to a trauma centre or ED with methamphetamine intoxication or dependence to aid development of health service policy and training for health personnel. Methods: PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL and Scopus (1990-2017) were searched. ⋯ The mean age of those who were methamphetamine positive was 28.4 years and for those methamphetamine negative cases it was 38.4 years. Conclusions: In this review, we found a higher prevalence of methamphetamine use amongst males and in the younger demographic. Targeted training programmes for frontline staff and management approaches for prompt multi-disciplinary service engagement are recommended as well as appropriate resourcing, such as mental health staff in EDs or mental health beds to accommodate this subgroup of the patient cohort.