Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Association between prepayment systems and emergency medical services use among patients with acute chest discomfort syndrome. For the Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment (REACT) Study.
Cost concerns may inhibit emergency medical services (EMS) use. Novel tax-based and subscription prepayment programs indemnify patients against the cost of EMS treatment and transport. We determine whether the presence of (or enrollment in) prepayment plans increase EMS use among patients with acute chest discomfort, particularly those residing in low-income areas, those lacking private insurance, or both. ⋯ Economic considerations may affect EMS system utilization among underinsured and low-income patients experiencing a cardiac event. Prepayment systems may increase EMS utilization among these groups.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The emergency department as a potential site for smoking cessation intervention: a randomized, controlled trial.
To assess the effect of physician counseling and referral on smoking cessation rates and attendance at a smoking cessation program. ⋯ The authors found no difference in the smoking cessation rates between ED patients who received written material and those who were counseled by emergency physicians. Referral of patients who smoked to a cessation program was unsuccessful.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Triage nurse requested x rays--are they worthwhile?
To study an established triage nurse x ray requesting system to determine whether sending defined groups of patients for radiography before assessment by doctors or emergency nurse practitioners (ENPs) resulted in shorter waiting times for patients without compromising quality of care. ⋯ A triage nurse x ray requesting system speeds up the progress of walking wounded patients through the department without compromising service quality. Further benefits are staff and patient satisfaction and a greater sense of team working for all staff.
Letter Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The effect of introducing bedside TV sets on patient satisfaction in the ED.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Care of minor injuries by emergency nurse practitioners or junior doctors: a randomised controlled trial.
We aimed to assess the care and outcome of patients with minor injuries who were managed by a nurse practitioner or a junior doctor in our accident and emergency department. ⋯ Properly trained accident and emergency nurse practitioners, who work within agreed guidelines can provide care for patients with minor injuries that is equal or in some ways better than that provided by junior doctors.