Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
A comparison between emergency diagnostic and treatment unit and inpatient care in the management of acute asthma.
Emergency diagnostic and treatment units (EDTUs) may provide an alternative to hospitalization for patients with reversible diseases, such as asthma, who fail to adequately respond to emergency department therapy. ⋯ Treatment of selected patients with asthma in an EDTU results in the safe discharge of most such patients. This study suggests that quality gains and cost-effective measures can be achieved by the use of such units.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Frequent users of the emergency department: can we intervene?
To determine whether the use of individualized patient care plans and multidisciplinary case management would decrease ED utilization by frequent ED users. ⋯ The use of individualized care plans and case management did not significantly decrease ED utilization by frequent ED users. However, the impact of individualized care plans and case management on other quality-of-care measures (e.g., patient satisfaction, ED length of stay, hospitalizations, primary care visits, and health care costs) remains to be determined.
The Journal of pediatrics · May 1997
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialComparison of skin stapling devices and standard sutures for pediatric scalp lacerations: a randomized study of cost and time benefits.
To compare the total costs and the physician time requirements for suture and staple repair of pediatric scalp lacerations. ⋯ Stapling is faster and less expensive than suturing in the repair of uncomplicated pediatric scalp lacerations, with no additional complications. Physicians who treat children with scalp lacerations should consider the use of stapling devices.
Arch Pediat Adol Med · Dec 1996
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical TrialEffect of emergency department immunizations on immunization rates and subsequent primary care visits.
The Standards for Pediatric Immunization Practices recommend the routine use of emergency department (ED) encounters for screening the immunization status of children and, if indicated, immunizing them. ⋯ This study provides evidence that the immunization of children in this ED was ineffective at raising their immunization rates; primary care attendance was also unaltered. Major obstacles were as follows: (1) an inability to ascertain accurately the immunization status in the ED and (2) a high rate of parental refusal to accept immunizations in the ED. The standards should be modified to de-emphasize the ED as a routine immunization site for children with access to primary care. Efforts and resources should be directed toward strengthening the primary care system and tracking immunization status.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The use of oral midazolam in accident and emergency to reduce anxiety in children.
The injured child can react to a visit to the Accident and Emergency (A & E) department in many ways. The strange noise, people, environment or their frightened parents may be overwhelming for the child. The screaming, uncooperative child can be as hard to manage as the silent unpredictable child, and there are also the smiling, laughing 'you can do anything to me within reason' children. ⋯ The pharmacology of midazolam will be briefly looked at, within this article further detail is not necessary. The main discussion will be the introduction and the current use of oral midazolam in A & E at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI, UK). Some concerns and worries will be considered.