Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
Review Meta Analysis
Safety of procedural sedation in emergency department settings among the adult population: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) are a common practice in emergency departments (EDs), aiming to alleviate pain, anxiety, and discomfort during various medical procedures. We have undertaken a systematic review and meta-analysis with the aim of assessing the incidence of adverse events associated with PSA, including those related to individual drugs and various drug combinations. The study adhered to PRISMA guidelines for a systematic review and meta-analysis of adverse events in ED sedation. ⋯ Respiratory issues like apnea and hypoxia, while not common, do occur more often than cardiovascular problems such as hypotension. However, the least frequent respiratory complications, which can also pose a threat to life, include laryngospasm, aspiration, and intubation. These incidents are extremely rare.
Review Meta Analysis
Assessing the one-month mortality impact of civilian-setting prehospital transfusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Based on convincing evidence for outcomes improvement in the military setting, the past decade has seen evaluation of prehospital transfusion (PHT) in the civilian emergency medical services (EMS) setting. Evidence synthesis has been challenging, due to study design variation with respect to both exposure (type of blood product administered) and outcome (endpoint definitions and timing). The goal of the current meta-analysis was to execute an overarching assessment of all civilian-arena randomized controlled trial (RCT) evidence focusing on administration of blood products compared to control of no blood products. ⋯ Current evidence does not demonstrate 1-month mortality benefit of civilian-setting PHT. This should give pause to EMS systems considering adoption of civilian-setting PHT programs. Further studies should not only focus on which formulations of blood products might improve outcomes but also focus on which patients are most likely to benefit from any form of civilian-setting PHT.
Review Meta Analysis
Phenobarbital Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Despite frequent treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) in the emergency department (ED), evidence for phenobarbital (PB) as an ED alternative therapy is mixed. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing safety and efficacy of PB to benzodiazepines (BZDs) for treatment of AWS in the ED. ⋯ The current literature base does not show that treatment with PB significantly reduces ICU admissions, hospital admissions, ED readmissions, or adverse events in ED patients with AWS compared with BZDs alone.
Social determinants of health contribute to disparities in pediatric health and health care. Our objective was to synthesize and evaluate the evidence on the association between social determinants of health and emergency department (ED) outcomes in pediatric populations. ⋯ Social determinants of health, particularly race, socioeconomic deprivation, proximity to an ED, and language, play important roles in ED care-seeking patterns of children and families. Increased utilization of ED services by children from racial minority and lower socioeconomic status groups may reflect barriers to health insurance and access to health care, including primary and subspecialty care, and/or poorer overall health, necessitating ED care. An intersectional approach is needed to better understand the trajectories of disparities in pediatric ED outcomes and to develop, implement, and evaluate future policies.