Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
St. Louis University Hospitals lease a helicopter ambulance service to reach emergency patients in inaccessible areas quickly, to carry specialized medical personnel and equipment to outlying hospitals, and to transfer patients at risk to appropriate facilities.
Aeromedical evacuation, adapted from military practice, now enlarges the scope of emergency care. Hospitals nationwide are weighing three different operating options before instituting local services.
High-cost laboratory tests, roentgenograms, medications, and supplies were the focus of a voluntary cost-containment effort initiated in a community hospital emergency department. The department microcomputer determined that 100 of 1,560 possible chargeable items were responsible for 90.9% of the total cost to patients. Emphasis on cost containment in general and specific emphasis on the 100 high-cost items resulted in a 10.2% reduction in laboratory and radiology charges and a 3.3% total savings to patients.