Articles: hospital-emergency-service.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Health care impact of implementing a clinical pathway for acute care of pediatric concussion: a stepped wedge, cluster randomised trial.
To test the effects of actively implementing a clinical pathway for acute care of pediatric concussion on health care utilization and costs. ⋯ Implementation of a clinical pathway in the ED increased outpatient follow-up and reduced the time from physician initial assessment to disposition, without increasing physician costs. Implementation of a clinical pathway can align acute care of pediatric concussion more closely with existing clinical practice guidelines while making care more efficient.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Could we use the comfort score instead of the numeric rating pain score? A proof of concept pilot study.
Asking patients about pain in the Emergency Department (ED) when deriving a pain score may aggravate perception of pain due to the nocebo-effect. A strategy for diminishing this nocebo-effect is cognitive reframing. Cognitive reframing of the frequently used pain score (PS) in the ED could theoretically be obtained by using the comfort score (CS). The aim of this study was to evaluate whether or not the CS and PS are interchangeable and therefore, whether or not the CS could safely be used in ED patients. ⋯ This proof of concept study suggest interchangeability of the PS and the ICS in patients with pain in the ED. However, while not statistically significant, 33% of the patients had a possible clinical significant difference in score outcome, potentially over- or underestimating the patients pain. Whether or not this can be used as a tool for cognitive reframing to reduce perception of pain and medication consumption has yet to be studied.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Clinical predictors of endotracheal intubation in patients presenting to the emergency department with angioedema.
The objective of this study is to identify predictors of airway compromise among patients presenting to the emergency department with angioedema in order to develop and validate a risk score to augment clinician gestalt regarding need for intubation. ⋯ A simple scoring algorithm may aid in predicting angioedema patients at high and low risk for intubation. External validation of this score is necessary before wide-spread adoption of this decision aid.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Drug-related emergency department visits: prevalence and risk factors.
The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of drug-related emergency department (ED) visits and associated risk factors. This retrospective cohort study was conducted in the ED, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway. From April 2017 to May 2018, 402 patients allocated to the intervention group in a randomized controlled trial were included in this sub-study. ⋯ In the investigated population, 19.7% had a drug-related ED visit, indicating that drug-related ED visits are a major concern. If not recognized and handled, this could be a threat against patient safety. Identified risk factors can be used to identify patients in need of additional attention regarding their drug list during the ED visit.