Articles: emergency-department.
Pediatric emergency care · Aug 2023
Observational StudyThe Impact of an Emergency Department Bruising Pathway on Disparities in Child Abuse Evaluation.
Previous research has shown racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in provider medical evaluations and reporting to child protective services (CPS) and law enforcement (LE) for cases of suspected child physical abuse. Our hospital standardized evaluation and reporting of high-risk bruising using a clinical pathway. We aimed to assess whether standardization impacted disparity. ⋯ A standardized clinical pathway for identification and evaluation of high-risk bruising may help to decrease socioeconomic disparities in reporting high-risk bruising. Larger studies are needed to fully evaluate disparities in assessment and reporting of child abuse.
Postgraduate medicine · Aug 2023
A retrospective study to describe the clinical pattern of dermatologic lesions from the pediatric emergency department: our experience from a tertiary care hospital in Turkey.
Dermatologic lesions that occur primarily or are secondary to disease are among the most common reasons for referral to the Pediatric Emergency Department (PED). This study aims to reveal the clinical features, diagnostic distribution, and management of patients who presented to the PED with dermatologic lesions. ⋯ Urticaria and viral eruptions are common dermatologic lesions in our PED. Both conditions are easily recognized and treated by physicians. Most lesions do not require hospitalization. Dermatologic emergencies, although rare, should be well-known to physicians.
Emerg Med Australas · Aug 2023
Triage to electrocardiogram sign-off time in patients with acute coronary syndrome at a metropolitan Sydney hospital.
To compare the time from triage to ECG sign-off in patients with acute coronary syndrome, before and after the introduction of an electronic medical record-integrated ECG workflow system (Epiphany). Additionally, to assess for any correlation between patient characteristics and ECG sign-off times. ⋯ The introduction of the Epiphany system has significantly reduced the triage to ECG sign-off time in the ED. Despite this, there remains a large proportion of patients with acute coronary syndrome who do not have an ECG signed-off within the guideline-recommended 10 min.