Articles: emergency-department.
Retraction Of Publication Comparative Study
TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Comparing Utilization and Costs of Care in Freestanding Emergency Departments, Hospital Emergency Departments, and Urgent Care Centers.
We compare utilization, price per visit, and the types of care delivered across freestanding emergency departments (EDs), hospital-based EDs, and urgent care centers in Texas. ⋯ Utilization of freestanding EDs is rapidly expanding in Texas. Higher prices at freestanding and hospital-based EDs relative to urgent care centers, despite substantial overlap in services delivered, imply potential inefficient use of emergency facilities.
Retracted Publication
Practical Guidelines for the Use of Electronic Applications by Advanced Practice Nurses in the Emergency Department.
The Publisher regrets that this article is an accidental duplication of an article that has already been published in < YMEN 42 (2016) 544 - 545 >, The duplicate article has therefore been withdrawn. The full Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal can be found at