Articles: emergency-department.
To investigate whether the severity of acute recreation drug toxicity presentations to emergency departments (EDs) in Europe has changed in recent years and to uncover potential sex differences. ⋯ The severity of presentations to European EDs remained mainly unchanged during 2014-2019, but the risk of death may have decreased. Conversely, intubation in lone cocaine and ICU admission in lone heroin intoxications have increased. Although men and women exhibited a similar pattern over the period for the majority of comparisons, our data suggest that women exhibited a smaller decrease of the overall risk of death.
Emergency department (ED) crowding has been shown to increase throughput measures of length of stay (LOS), wait time, and boarding time. Psychiatric utilization of the ED has increased, particularly among younger patients. This investigation quantifies the effect of ED demand on throughput times and discharge disposition for pediatric psychiatric patients in the ED. ⋯ ED demand has a meaningful effect on throughput times, but a minimal effect on disposition status. Further research is needed to validate these findings across other state and healthcare systems.
The modified accelerated diagnostic protocol (ADP) to assess patients with chest pain symptoms using troponin as the only biomarker (mADAPT), the History, ECG, Age, Risk factors, and Troponin (HEART) pathway, and the Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain Rule (EDACS)-ADP, are the three most well-known ADPs for patients with chest pain. These ADPs define major adverse cardiac event (MACE) as components of acute myocardial infarction, revascularization, and death; unstable angina is not included as an endpoint. ⋯ All three ADPs-mADAPT, EDACS-ADP, and HEART pathway-were similarly accurate in their discriminatory performance for the risk stratification of ED patients presenting with possible ACS when unstable angina was not included in the endpoint. The HEART pathway showed the best combination of sensitivity and proportion of patients that can be classified as safe for early discharge. However, when unstable angina was added to the endpoint, all three ADPs did not show appropriate safety levels and their performances were lower than the acceptable risk of MACE.
Studies have assessed the type of diagnostic imaging used in the treatment of appendicitis in children. Few studies investigated racial/ethnic and insurance disparities in imaging modalities used in pediatric patients diagnosed with appendicitis. Our study seeks to determine whether race/ethnicity and insurance status are associated with imaging modality chosen for pediatric patients diagnosed with appendicitis in the emergency department. ⋯ This study demonstrated the presence of racial/ethnic and insurance status disparities in the imaging modality chosen to assist in diagnosing appendicitis in pediatric patients.