Articles: emergency-department.
Burnout in healthcare workers is a global issue, with Emergency Medicine (EM) particularly impacted. Many countries have tried implementing wellness initiatives to reduce burnout and improve wellness. This paper summarizes interventions implemented in Canada to-date with the aim of supporting the design of wellness interventions in EDs globally. ⋯ Examples include educational programs, dedicated sessions for compassion literacy and resilience, critical events debriefing, and optimizing shift schedules. Structured wellness curriculums seem to be effective, and this area warrants further study. Moreover, we identify a need for global collaboration to build wellness programs and for more easily translatable standardized outcome measures for assessing the efficacy of wellness programs in EM.
Pediatric emergency care · Dec 2024
Use of Emergency Telemedicine Physicians for Telephone Triage Disposition of Pediatric Patients.
Telemedicine is a growing field, with limited data around its utility supporting pediatric emergency care telephone triage. We instituted telemedicine physician support for nurse telephone triage decisions. When the nursing protocols recommended urgent or emergent care, a telemedicine physician reviewed and modified care urgency if appropriate. Our primary study objectives were to evaluate the proportion of patients who were downgraded to less urgent care and assess for potential harm related to the downgrade in care urgency. ⋯ Our data suggests that telemedicine physicians can safely downgrade nurse triage care recommendations for pediatric patients. Most downgraded patients sought outpatient care, avoiding unnecessary utilization of the emergency department without evidence of associated harm.
The impact of prolonged emergency department length of stay (EDLOS) on appropriately timed pharmacological venous thromboembolism prophylaxis (VTEp) and VTE outcomes is unknown in trauma. ⋯ Prolonged EDLOS delayed pharmacological VTEp in a nation-wide cohort of trauma patients. Absent VTEp, consequently, increased risk of in-hospital VTE, although future study is needed to validate these findings. Timely transfer of stable trauma patients to the floor may improve outcomes by facilitating appropriately timed VTEp administration and decreasing ED overcrowding.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) remains a significant global health concern with significant impact on morbidity and mortality. This narrative review explores adjunctive pharmacologic agents to be employed by emergency medicine clinicians during Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) in patients presenting with a TBI. Pharmacologic agents are commonly employed for the management of rapid sequence intubation and post-intubation analgosedation, hemodynamics, intracranial pressure, coagulopathy, seizure prophylaxis, and infection. This narrative review discusses current evidence and controversies to optimize adjunct pharmacotherapies during the acute management of TBI within the emergency department.
Pediatric emergency care · Dec 2024
Virtual Reality as Active Distraction in Laceration Repair: A Game Changer?
We conducted an unblinded, randomized control trial to determine if immersive virtual reality (VR) goggles decrease pain and fear scores in children undergoing laceration repair in the pediatric emergency department (PED) compared to the standard of care. Secondary outcomes included duration of procedure, physical holding, anxiolytic usage, and desire to use VR goggles again. ⋯ Virtual reality goggles are an effective tool for distraction for simple laceration repairs. Their use leads to decreased pain and fear. Children who used VR goggles did not require to be held as often for sutures. There was no significant difference in anxiolytics or duration of procedure.