Articles: emergency-department.
Geriatric emergency department (ED) guidelines emphasize timely identification of delirium. This article updates previous diagnostic accuracy systematic reviews of history, physical examination, laboratory testing, and ED screening instruments for the diagnosis of delirium as well as test-treatment thresholds for ED delirium screening. ⋯ The quantitative accuracy of history and physical examination to identify ED delirium is virtually unexplored. The 4AT has the largest quantity of ED-based research. Other screening instruments may more accurately rule in or rule out delirium. If the goal is to rule in delirium then the CAM-ICU or brief CAM or modified CAM for the ED are superior instruments, although the accuracy of these screening tools are based on single-center studies. To rule out delirium, the Delirium Triage Screen is superior based on one single-center study.
Pericarditis accounts for up to 5% of emergency department visits for nonischemic chest pain in North America and Western Europe. With appropriate treatment, 70% to 85% of these patients have a benign course. In acute pericarditis, the development of constrictive pericarditis (<0.5%) and pericardial tamponade (<3%) can be life-threatening. ⋯ Acute pericarditis is a common cause of nonischemic chest pain. Tuberculosis is the leading cause of pericarditis in endemic areas and is treated with antitubercular therapy. In North America and Western Europe, pericarditis is typically idiopathic, develops after a viral infection, or develops following cardiac procedures or surgery. Treatment with NSAIDs and colchicine leads to a favorable prognosis in most patients, although 15% to 30% of patients develop recurrence. Patients with multiple recurrent pericarditis can have a disease duration of several years or more, are often treated with corticosteroids, and IL-1 blockers may be used for selected patients as steroid-sparing therapy.
Pediatric emergency care · Oct 2024
Comparative StudySafety and Depth of Sedation With Ketamine Alone Versus Ketamine With Midazolam in Pediatric Fracture Reduction: A Retrospective Chart Review.
Pediatric patients with extremity fractures often require sedation for fracture reduction in the pediatric emergency department (PED). Although orthopedic literature suggests combination sedation regimens may be more effective for fracture reduction, some pediatric literature suggests adverse events are more frequent. The primary objective of this study is to determine the comparable depth of sedation and incidence of adverse events when intravenous ketamine is used alone versus with midazolam for pediatric procedural sedation and orthopedic fracture reduction. ⋯ This study showed a low rate of adverse events in pediatric sedation for orthopedic reduction with ketamine alone or ketamine with midazolam. There was an increased occurrence of hypoxia with coadministration of midazolam and an increase in the length of sedation. This study showed no difference in depth of sedation based on Ramsay scores when midazolam was coadministered. Information on the orthopedic reduction and provider satisfaction was not collected.
Pediatric emergency care · Oct 2024
Observational StudyValidation of the Emergency Department Work Index in a Pediatric Freestanding Community Emergency Department.
The Emergency Department Work Index (EDWIN) is a validated overcrowding score shown to correlate well with staff assessment of adult emergency department (ED) overcrowding and the potential need for diversion. It derives from the number of staffed ED beds, attending physicians on duty, patients within each triage category, and admitted patients. To date, no study has validated EDWIN in a pediatric community ED setting. We aim to determine if EDWIN correlates with established overcrowding measures and provider perception of overcrowding within a freestanding, community-based pediatric ED. ⋯ Our findings suggest that EDWIN is an accurate tool to measure overcrowding in a freestanding, community-based pediatric ED.
Review Meta Analysis
Interventions to improve the quality of low back pain care in emergency departments: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Low back pain (LBP) is a common reason people visit Emergency Departments (ED). However, the care provided is often not aligned with guideline recommendations. Despite increasing research aiming to promote guideline-based care in EDs, interventions to best implement recommendations are unknown. ⋯ Interventions were mostly single-system focused with a preference for education-based implementation strategies targeting patients or clinicians. The interventions reduced the use of opioid medication for LBP in ED, but the effects on lumbar imaging rates were uncertain. Further high-quality research is needed to improve LBP care in this setting.