Articles: surgery.
Multicenter Study
The impact of anticoagulant medications on fragility femur fracture care: The hip and femoral fracture anticoagulation surgical timing evaluation (HASTE) study.
Due to their hypocoagulable state on presentation, anticoagulated patients with femoral fragility fractures typically experience delays to surgery. There are no large, multicentre studies previously carried out within the United Kingdom (UK) evaluating the impact of anticoagulant use in this patient population. This study aimed to evaluate the current epidemiology and compare the perioperative management of anticoagulated and non-anticoagulated femoral fragility fracture patients. ⋯ Anticoagulated femoral fragility fracture patients comprise a substantial number of patients, and experience relatively longer delays to surgery with less than half receiving surgery within 36 h of admission. This may have resulted in their comparatively higher mortality rate. Inclusion of anticoagulation status in the minimum data set for the NHFD to enable routine auditing of performance, and development of a national guideline on the management of this growing and emerging patient group is likely to help standardise practice in this area and improve outcomes.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jun 2024
Multicenter Study Observational StudyAdverse Events of Peripherally Administered Norepinephrine During Surgery: A Prospective Multicenter Study.
Perioperative treatment of hypotension by intravenous administration of norepinephrine in a peripheral vein can lead to adverse events, for example, tissue necrosis. However, the incidence and severity of adverse events during perioperative administration are unknown. ⋯ Extravasation of peripherally administrated norepinephrine in the perioperative period occurred at similar rates as in previous studies in critically ill patients. In our setting, where we regularly inspected the infusion site and shifted site in case of swelling or paleness of skin, we observed no case of severe adverse events. Given that severe adverse events were absent, the potential benefit of this preventive approach requires confirmation in a larger population.
Multicenter Study
Risk of Early Postoperative Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Complication in Patients with Preoperative COVID-19 Undergoing Cancer Surgery.
As the COVID-19 pandemic shifts to an endemic phase, an increasing proportion of patients with cancer and a preoperative history of COVID-19 will require surgery. This study aimed to assess the influence of preoperative COVID-19 on postoperative risk for major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACEs) among those undergoing surgical cancer resection. Secondary objectives included determining optimal time-to-surgery guidelines based on COVID-19 severity and discerning the influence of vaccination status on MACE risk. ⋯ Together, these data highlight that assessment of the severity of preoperative COVID-19 infection should be a routine component of both preoperative patient screening as well as surgical risk stratification. In addition, strategies beyond vaccination that increase patients' cardiovascular fitness and prevent COVID-19 infection are needed.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · May 2024
Multicenter StudyCardiac Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury in Neonates Undergoing the Norwood Operation: Retrospective Analysis of the Multicenter Neonatal and Pediatric Heart and Renal Outcomes Network Dataset, 2015-2018.
Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CS-AKI) is associated with adverse outcomes. Single-center studies suggest that the prevalence of CS-AKI is high after the Norwood procedure, or stage 1 palliation (S1P), but multicenter data are lacking. ⋯ KDIGO-defined CS-AKI occurred frequently and early postoperatively in this 2015-2018 multicenter PC 4 /NEPHRON cohort of neonates after S1P. We failed to identify associations between resource utilization and CS-AKI, but there was an association between severe CS-AKI and greater odds of mortality in this high-risk cohort. Improving the precision for defining clinically relevant neonatal CS-AKI remains a priority.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Association of mechanical energy and power with postoperative pulmonary complications in lung resection surgery: A post hoc analysis of randomized clinical trial data.
Mechanical power (MP), the rate of mechanical energy (ME) delivery, is a recently introduced unifying ventilator parameter consisting of tidal volume, airway pressures, and respiratory rates, which predicts pulmonary complications in several clinical contexts. However, ME has not been previously studied in the perioperative context, and neither parameter has been studied in the context of thoracic surgery utilizing one-lung ventilation. ⋯ ME and, in cases requiring longer periods of mechanical ventilation, MP were independently associated with postoperative pulmonary complications in thoracic surgery.