Articles: traumatic-brain-injuries.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2023
Partial Depletion of Microglia Attenuates Long-Term Potentiation Deficits following Repeated Blast Traumatic Brain Injury in Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures.
Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) has been a health concern in both military and civilian populations due to recent military and geopolitical conflicts. Military service members are frequently exposed to repeated bTBI throughout their training and deployment. Our group has previously reported compounding functional deficits as a result of increased number of blast exposures. ⋯ By partially depleting microglia prior to injury, LTP deficits after injury were significantly reduced. Treatment with the novel drug, MW-189, prevented LTP deficits when administered immediately following a repeated bTBI and even when administered only for an acute period (24 h) between two blast injuries. These findings could inform the development of therapeutic strategies to treat the neurological deficits of repeated bTBI suggesting that microglia play a major role in functional neuronal deficits and may be a viable therapeutic target to lessen the neurophysiological deficits after bTBI.
Burns are an important cause of battlefield injury, accounting for 5-20% of the combat injury burden. To date, no report has examined the full range of burns, from mild to severe, resulting from post-9/11 conflicts. The present study leverages the Expeditionary Medical Encounter Database (EMED), a Navy-maintained health database describing all service member medical encounters occurring during deployment, to capture, quantify and characterize burn-injured service members and the injuries they sustained while deployed in support of post-9/11 operations. ⋯ The majority of burns tend to be small in size, with the head and hands most commonly affected. As these areas are often left uncovered by the uniform, prevention measures, particularly improvement in and increased usage of personal protective gear, may help reduce these injuries and their consequences.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2023
Progressive transcriptional changes in amygdala implicate neuroinflammation in the effects of repetitive low-level blast exposure in rats.
Chronic mental health problems are common among military veterans who sustained blast-related traumatic brain injuries. The reasons for this association remain unexplained. Male rats exposed to repetitive low-level blast overpressure (BOP) exposures exhibit chronic cognitive and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-related traits that develop in a delayed fashion. ⋯ Eukaryotic initiating factor eIF4E (EIF4e), an upstream regulator of P2ry12 and Ccr5, was predicted to be activated in the amygdala. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) validated longitudinal changes in two TNFα regulated genes (cathepsin B [Ctsb], Hapln1), P2ry12, and Grm2. These studies have implications for understanding how blast injury damages the brain and implicates inflammation as a potential therapeutic target.
Journal of neurotrauma · Mar 2023
Trends in Neurotrauma Epidemiology, Management, and Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kigali, Rwanda.
National regulations to curb the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission and health care resource reallocation may have impacted incidence and treatment for neurotrauma, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal trauma, but these trends have not been characterized in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study analyzes differences in epidemiology, management, and outcomes preceding and during the COVID-19 pandemic for neurotrauma patients in a Rwandan tertiary hospital. The study setting was the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kigali (CHUK), Rwanda's national referral hospital. ⋯ Craniotomy rates doubled during the pandemic period (25.7% vs. 13.7%, p = 0.003), but mortality was unchanged (5.5% vs. 5.7%, p = 0.944). Neurotrauma volume remained unchanged at CHUK during the COVID-19 pandemic, but presenting patients had higher injury acuity and craniotomy rates. These findings may inform care during pandemic conditions in Rwanda and similar settings.