Articles: disease.
Coronaviruses have drawn attention since the beginning of the 21st century. Over the past 17 years, coronaviruses have triggered several outbreaks of epidemic in people, which brought great threats to global public health security. We analyzed the publications on coronavirus with bibliometrics software and qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated the knowledge base and hot topics of coronavirus research from 2003 to 2020. ⋯ Bibliometric analysis of the literature shows the research on coronavirus boomed when a novel coronavirus triggered outbreaks in people. With the end of the epidemic, the research tended to be cooling. Virus identification, pathogenesis, and coronavirus-mediated diseases attracted much attention. We must continue studying the viruses after an outbreak ended.
Case Reports
A case report of recurrent acute pancreatitis associated with life threatening atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a thrombotic microangiopathy defined by the sudden onset of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute kidney injury (AKI). HUS is categorized as either typical, caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infection, or atypical HUS (aHUS), usually complement mediated or secondary to systemic disease. We describe a rare case of aHUS in an adult male patient with recurrent acute pancreatitis. ⋯ Recurrent pancreatitis is suggested as the etiology of atypical HUS in this patient and this condition should be recognized and treated in a timely manner for optimal clinical outcomes.
A global bibliometric and visualized analysis in the status and trends of subchondral bone research.
Structural and functional changes in subchondral bone have been recognized as a key factor in the development of related disease, and subchondral bone may be a new target for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The purpose of our present study is to investigate the global status and trends of subchondral bone research. ⋯ The number of publications about subchondral bone research would be increasing in the next years based on the current global trends. Attention should be drawn to the latest popular research, including "Mesenchymal stem-cells", "Autologous chondrocyte implantation", "Microfracture" and "Pain". Therefore, more and more efforts will be put into mechanism research on subchondral bone, which may inspire new clinical treatments for osteoarthritis and other related diseases based on subchondral bone.
Pandemics challenge clinicians and scientists in many ways, especially when the virus is novel and disease expression becomes variable or unpredictable. Under such circumstances, research becomes critical to inform clinical care and protect future patients. Given that severely ill patients admitted to intensive care units are at high risk of mortality, establishing the cause of death at a histopathological level could prove invaluable in contributing to the understanding of COVID-19. ⋯ Careful balancing of the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence and justice becomes an ethical imperative. Under such circumstances, a waiver of consent, preferably followed by deferred proxy consent, granted by a research ethics committee in keeping with national ethics guidance and legislation, would fulfil the basic premise of care and research: first do no harm. This article examines the SA research ethics framework, guidance and legislation to justify support for a waiver of consent followed by deferred proxy consent, when possible, in urgent research after death to inform current and future care to contain the pandemic in the public interest.