Articles: disease.
The group IV phospholipase A2 (PLA2) family is comprised of six intracellular enzymes (GIVA, -B, -C, -D, -E, and -F) commonly referred to as cytosolic PLA2 (cPLA2)α, -β, -γ, -δ, -ε, and -ζ. They contain a Ser-Asp catalytic dyad and all except cPLA2γ have a C2 domain, but differences in their catalytic activities and subcellular localization suggest unique regulation and function. ⋯ The diverse bioactive lipids produced as a result of cPLA2α activation regulate normal physiological processes and disease pathogenesis in many organ systems, as shown using cPLA2α KO mice. However, humans recently identified with cPLA2α deficiency exhibit more pronounced effects on health than observed in mice lacking cPLA2α, indicating that much remains to be learned about this interesting enzyme.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Aug 2015
ReviewPreprocedural evaluation: considerations outside of the operating room.
There are an increasing number of procedures performed in locations outside of the operating room both for children and adults. From the perspective of the anesthesiologist, the preprocedural evaluation is essential in providing safe and high-quality care. This review focuses on the purpose, considerations and methods for providing information during the preprocedural evaluation process based on the most recent literature review. ⋯ It is important for the anesthesia provider to perform a thorough preprocedural evaluation. Tests that are ordered as part of the evaluation are done to understand the current medical state, verify a condition or formulate a plan. Informed consent must be obtained and the risks and benefits of the anesthesia plan in a manner understandable to the patient and parent or care giver.Many pediatric patients undergoing procedures outside of the operating room are in good health, and their evaluation will be relatively routine. Other children will present with complex medical conditions that require more time for the evaluation process. This may include the consultation of a pediatric specialist(s) as a necessary step toward completion of the preprocedural evaluation.Similarly, there are adult patients undergoing procedures outside of the operating room, which will have a straightforward preprocedural evaluation and others are more complex. Disease states that might require further testing include diabetes, leukemia, kidney and liver disease, central nervous system disease, malabsorption syndrome, coronary artery disease, coagulopathies and patients on diuretics.
The substantial increase in life expectancy during recent decades has left all countries with a high number of elderly people that have particular health needs. Health policy-makers must be aware of the most prevalent causes of deaths and DALYs in this age group, as well as geriatric syndromes, in order to provide appropriate care and allocate resources in an equitable manner. ⋯ The aged population of Iran is growing steadily, and there is a need for health policy-makers to create appropriate programs to meet the health needs of elderly people. Although GBD 2010 results are useful in providing burden estimations at regional and national levels, each individual country should estimate its burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors at a sub-national level to obtain further details regarding the health status of its people. As no comprehensive study regarding elderly people in Iran has previously been conducted, our study will be a major source for identifying the important causes of deaths, DALYs, and geriatric syndromes among this population.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a rare chronic and ultimately fatal disease resulting in an aberrant scarring and thickening of lung tissue. Molecular pathogenetic mechanisms of IPF are still unknown and till now no effective therapy is known to really improve disease's outcome. ⋯ The work is focused on how gene expression analysis can be applied to stratify IPF cases based on their risk of disease progression. Moreover they tried to match genetic and phenotypic profiles in order to predict therapeutic response and patients' prognosis.
Peto's paradox is the lack of the expected trend in cancer incidence as a function of body size and lifespan across species. The leading hypothesis to explain this pattern is natural selection for differential cancer prevention in larger, longer lived species. We evaluate whether a similar effect exists within species, specifically humans. ⋯ We further demonstrate that grouping by anatomical site explains most of the remaining variation. Our results indicate that cancer risk depends not only on the number of stem cell divisions but varies enormously (approx. 10 000 times) depending on anatomical site. We conclude that variation in risk of human cancer types is analogous to the paradoxical lack of variation in cancer incidence among animal species and may likewise be understood as a result of evolution by natural selection.