Articles: disease.
Detailed knowledge of anticipated casualties is essential for the medical officer preparing to support a mission. To accurately describe the injuries inflicted upon the 2/75th Ranger Battalion involved in Operation Just Cause, 471 (75.5%) Rangers were personally interviewed. The average Ranger was 23 years old, an E-4 with 3 years of active duty service, and in a good to excellent fitness category. ⋯ Most of the injuries were musculoskeletal (sprains) and non-surgical, with 90% occurring during the insertion. The lower extremity, particularly the ankle, was the most frequently injured area. It is hoped that this study will assist those who are planning to support future, similar nighttime parachute operations.
Isotretinoin is effective in treating severe acne, but it is also teratogenic. To minimize pregnancies among exposed women, the manufacturer, together with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, implemented a multicomponent Pregnancy Prevention Program in 1988. We report the results of an ongoing survey designed to assess compliance with this program. ⋯ The pregnancy rate among women receiving isotretinoin therapy was substantially lower than that in the general population and was compatible with the characteristics and behavior of the enrolled women.
To describe the role of men and women as sources of HIV transmission and to estimate HIV incidence among discordant couples resident in diverse rural communities in Uganda. ⋯ In this Ugandan population, men are the predominant source of new infections in rural villages. Risk factors and preventive behaviors vary with the sex of the infected partner, and seroconversion rates are similar in both sexes.
Multicenter Study
Universal precautions: knowledge, compliance and attitudes of doctors and nurses in Thailand.
A study on the knowledge, compliance and attitudes of doctors and nurses on "universal precautions" (U. P.) was done by questionnaire in April 1993. Four hundred and sixty-nine doctors and 4,554 nurses from 35 hospitals throughout Thailand responded. ⋯ They supported the application of U. P. as a safety measure. Welfare support for health-care workers who have contacted HIV at work is also expected.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Results of a model AIDS prevention program for high school students in the Philippines.
To describe the sexual practices of high school students; to describe the process of development of a school-based AIDS prevention program; and to evaluate the effect of this program on students' AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and AIDS-preventive behaviors. ⋯ A sizable number of Filipino high school students are sexually active but condom use is low. School-based AIDS prevention programs can be developed and implemented in developing countries with the assistance of school personnel to address sexual issues. Our program was successful in increasing AIDS-related knowledge and improving attitudes towards people with AIDS. Supplementation with other preventive activities may be needed to achieve lasting changes in students' risk-taking behavior.