Articles: disease.
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Evaluation of a new antihelminthic for trichuriasis, hookworm, and stronglyloidiasis.
Mebendazole was tested in a double-blind trial for its efficacy in the treatment and control of enteric helminths. One hundred and twenty-two children from a community near the Gulf of Carpentaria, and from a community in Cape York Peninsula in northern Queensland were divided into two equal groups to receive a course of either mebendazole or placebo after the identification of one or more intestinal helminths in a single pretreatment specimen of faeces. Between the tenth and twentieth days after a four-day course of treatment, three specimens of faeces were collected from each child. ⋯ No cases of Ascaris lumbricoides infestation were present. No side effects or adverse reactions to the drug were noted and patient acceptance was excellent. Mebendazole appears to be a safe drug for use in the treatment of human parasitic intestinal nematode infestations, and should be especially useful in the treatment and control of trichuriasis.
To adequately appraoch the therapeutics of such a diffuse disorder as sepsis, a firm grasp of the multiple pathophysiologic subsets is imperative. With this as a basis, therapy comes as close to applied physiology as is possible in medicine today.