Articles: patients.
Patients operated because of lumbar disc herniations (104 patients) were included in a randomized double-blind study analyzing the influence of dexamethasone versus placebo on postoperative drug requirements and the pain score on the visual analogue scale. High doses of dexamethasone had been administered: 40 mg i.v. on the night before the operation; 8 mg intraoperatively topical perineural application; 8 mg i.v. in the evening of the day of operation; 2x8 mg i.m. on days 1 and 2 postoperatively; 2x4 mg i.m. on days 3 and 4; 4 mg po on day 5 and 6 postoperatively. A significant decrease in the requirement for analgesics was found in the drug-treated group, particularly male patients, and also an impressive reduction in the lumbar pain score. In conclusion, there was good alleviation of sciatic pain in the dexamethasone-treated group of females during the 1st week after operation, but we found no evidence that the agent tested had an influence on the clinical outcome 1 month following the operation.
Systemic application of analgesics is still the most frequently used method of postoperative relief of pain. However, neither intermittent intramuscular nor intermittent intravenous application can provide the patient with a continuous level of analgesia. Lipid-soluble analgesics or those with polar binding that are rapidly metabolized demonstrate an rapid effectiveness. ⋯ After an initial bolus injection, the continuous infusion of an analgesic is guaranteed and may be completed by the patient with several bolus injections. PCA requires careful monitoring. We suggest that a special analgesia team to take care of the patient in special analgesia units might be appropriate in the future.
The relationship between the age and the spread of analgesia from different epidural anesthetic doses was examined by studying analgesic dose responses in cervical epidural analgesia. Two different anesthetic doses (5 ml or 10 ml) of 2% mepivacaine were injected into the cervical epidural space at a constant pressure (80 mmHg) using an intravenous apparatus, and the spread of analgesia to pinprick was assessed. The significant correlation was found between the patient's age and the number of spinal segments blocked (5 ml : r = 0.8498, P < 0.01, 10 ml : r = 0.5988, P < 0.01). ⋯ The analgesic dose-response relation in patients over 60 years of age differed from that in patients under 39 years of age and doubling the epidural dose did not double the number of spinal segments blocked. Progressively more extensive analgesia was obtained from a given dose of local anesthetic with advancing age. It was difficult to limit the extent of analgesia by injecting a smaller dose of local anaesthetic in the elderly.