Articles: patients.
The stress of acute, severe illness penetrates the patient's intrapsychic defenses to varying depths. The physician who deals with the resulting regressive behavior must identify and strengthen the overwhelmed defenses. Management includes the judicious use of drugs, accurate interpretation of the patient's behavior, and acceptance of the patient. The physician's countertransferential feelings can be helped by the understanding of a trusted colleague.
Patient selection is difficult. Modern-day plastic surgeons are becoming increasingly aware that patient selection is an important aspect of a successful surgical practice. Evaluation of the patient as a whole rather than just the deformity is necessary to avoid dissatisfied patients. ⋯ The importance of patient selection extends to patient management as a whole. Appropriate management is even more important in the office-based setting because the stress may have more of an impact on the patient than for hospitalized procedures. Awareness of the stress state in surgery and the patient's personality style allows for a knowledgeable surgeon and staff to anticipate behaviors and emotions and use appropriately their power and nurturance to lead the patient to the ultimate goal, a feeling of satisfaction with the surgical result.