Articles: child.
Pediatric blood & cancer · Jan 2014
Multicenter StudyPedsQL™ Multidimensional Fatigue Scale in sickle cell disease: feasibility, reliability, and validity.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder characterized by a chronic hemolytic anemia that can contribute to fatigue and global cognitive impairment in patients. The study objective was to report on the feasibility, reliability, and validity of the PedsQL™ Multidimensional Fatigue Scale in SCD for pediatric patient self-report ages 5-18 years and parent proxy-report for ages 2-18 years. ⋯ The PedsQL™ Multidimensional Fatigue Scale demonstrated acceptable to excellent measurement properties in SCD. The results demonstrate the relative severity of fatigue symptoms in pediatric patients with SCD, indicating the potential clinical utility of multidimensional assessment of fatigue in patients with SCD in clinical research and practice.
Multicenter Study
Clinical and sonographic features predict testicular torsion in children: a prospective study.
To test the clinical and sonographic predictors of testicular torsion (TT) with the aim of reducing negative exploration rates. ⋯ It is safe to refrain from routine surgical exploration in every child with acute scrotum if the clinical score is applied, which results in a marked reduction of negative explorations. A reliable diagnosis could not be obtained based on US alone. As scrotal US is unpleasant for the child, we propose to refrain from this if the clinical score is positive. Patients with a negative clinical score are suitable candidates for US to establish and secure diagnosis.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
The epidemiology and resuscitation effects of cardiopulmonary arrest among hospitalized children and adolescents in Beijing: An observational study.
To investigate the epidemiology and resuscitation effects of cardiopulmonary arrest among hospitalized children and adolescents in Beijing. ⋯ The prevalence of in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest in children and adolescents is low. The long-term result of children and adolescents survived from cardiopulmonary resuscitation is quite good. Age, CPR duration and endotracheal intubation performed before cardiopulmonary arrest were independent factors of cardiopulmonary resuscitation effect.
Retrospective and cross-sectional studies have suggested a bidirectional relationship between migraine and mood disturbance. ⋯ Results of this study lend support to a complex relationship between mood and headache in children with migraine. More research is needed to further elucidate the temporal nature of this relationship within a given day and over an extended period of time.
Multicenter Study
Enhancing parents' confidence to care in acute childhood illness: triangulation of findings from a mixed methods study of Community Children's Nursing.
Children's emergency hospital use is of concern internationally, but there has been little examination of home care by nurses. ⋯ Nurses can make an important contribution to supporting parents to care confidently for their children at home to reduce or even to avoid hospitalization for acute conditions and give them confidence to manage future episodes of illness.