Articles: child.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Dec 2024
ReviewDepth of anesthesia monitoring: an argument for its use for patient safety.
There have been significant advancements in depth of anesthesia (DoA) technology. The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation recently published recommendations to use a DoA monitor in specific patient populations receiving general anesthesia. However, the universal use of DoA monitoring is not yet accepted. This review explores the current state of DoA monitors and their potential impact on patient safety. ⋯ There is evidence that DoA monitoring may decrease the incidence of awareness, postoperative delirium, POCD and improve several postoperative outcomes. In children, DoA monitoring may decrease the incidence of awareness and emergence delirium, but long-term effects are unknown. While there are key limitations to DoA monitoring technology, we argue that DoA monitoring shows great promise in improving patient safety in most, if not all anesthetic populations.
Preventive medicine · Dec 2024
ReviewSystematic review of the evidence on physical activity prescriptions for youth.
Despite the well-documented benefits of physical activity (PA), globally, only 20 % of youth engage in sufficient PA. Reviews support the benefits of PA prescriptions on promoting adults' PA, but no comparable reviews exist on studies among youth. This systematic review 1) assesses the state of the evidence regarding PA prescriptions from healthcare practitioners on youths' PA; and 2) identifies gaps to inform future research and practice. ⋯ There is insufficient research on healthcare practitioner delivered PA prescriptions to promote youths' PA to determine effectiveness. Future research with objectively measured PA and more diverse youth samples would advance the evidence.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Dec 2024
ReviewAnesthesiologists' Role in Recognition, Prevention, and Treatment of Childbirth-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
Childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder (CB-PTSD) is increasingly common and consequential for pregnant patients. Throughout the labor experience and beyond, anesthesiologists are central to creating a psychological safe space for patients and play an essential role in preventing, recognizing, and treating CB-PTSD. This narrative review summarizes the current literature surrounding risk factors for CB-PTSD that are relevant to anesthesiologists; patients' symptoms or signs anesthesiologists should look out for; and ways anesthesiologists may be involved in preventing and treating this condition.
Observational studies have linked low vitamin D (VD) levels to increased asthma attacks in children. Subsequent meta-analyses of adults and children revealed that VD treatment might benefit asthmatic patients by reducing the incidence of exacerbations. Therefore, this review aims to analyze the effects of VD supplementation in reducing asthma exacerbations in children. ⋯ Vitamin D supplementation can lower the occurrence of exacerbations in children with asthma, along with the improvement of FEV1.
Systemic Psychotherapy: An Introduction to Its Theoretical Foundations and Clinical Practice.
Systemic therapy (ST) was approved as a further psychotherapy approach in line with the German Psychotherapy Directive's requirements in 2020 for adults and in 2024 for children and adolescents, and is thus covered by statutory health insurance. ⋯ ST broadens the scope of treatment options for mental disorders, with a specific focus on their social context.