Articles: neuropathic-pain.
The anaesthetic ketamine is used to treat various chronic pain syndromes, especially those that have a neuropathic component. Low dose ketamine produces strong analgesia in neuropathic pain states, presumably by inhibition of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor although other mechanisms are possibly involved, including enhancement of descending inhibition and anti-inflammatory effects at central sites. Current data on short term infusions indicate that ketamine produces potent analgesia during administration only, while three studies on the effect of prolonged infusion (4-14 days) show long-term analgesic effects up to 3 months following infusion. ⋯ Irrespective, close monitoring of patients receiving ketamine is mandatory, particularly aimed at CNS, haemodynamic, renal and hepatic symptoms as well as abuse. Further research is required to assess whether the benefits outweigh the risks and costs. Until definite proof is obtained ketamine administration should be restricted to patients with therapy-resistant severe neuropathic pain.
Bioorganic chemistry · Feb 2014
Discovery of tetrahydropyrido[4,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives for the treatment of neuropathic pain.
A series of tetrahydropyridopyrimidine derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for neurotoxicity and peripheral analgesic activity followed by assessment of antiallodynic and antihyperalgesic potential in two peripheral neuropathic pain models, the chronic constriction injury (CCI) and partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL). Compounds (4b and 4d) exhibiting promising efficacies in four behavioral assays of allodynia and hyperalgesia (spontaneous pain, tactile allodynia, cold allodynia and mechanical hyperalgesia) were quantified for their ED50 values (15.12-65.10mg/kg). Studies carried out to assess the underlying mechanism revealed that the compounds suppressed the inflammatory component of the neuropathic pain and prevented oxidative and nitrosative stress.
Review the current evidence-based pharmacotherapy for phantom limb pain (PLP) in the context of the current understanding of the pathophysiology of this condition. ⋯ Currently, the best evidence (level 2) exists for the use of IV ketamine and IV morphine for the short-term perioperative treatment of PLP and PO morphine for an intermediate to long-term treatment effect (8 weeks to 1 year). Level 2 evidence is mixed for the efficacy of perioperative epidural anesthesia with morphine and bupivacaine for short to long-term pain relief (perioperatively up to 1 year) as well as for the use of gabapentin for pain relief of intermediate duration (6 weeks).
α1-Adrenoceptor expression on nociceptors may play an important role in sympathetic-sensory coupling in certain neuropathic pain syndromes. The aim of this study was to determine whether α1-adrenoceptor expression was upregulated on surviving peptidergic, nonpeptidergic, and myelinated nerve fiber populations in the skin after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve in rats. Seven days after surgery, α1-adrenoceptor expression was upregulated in the epidermis and on dermal nerve fibers in plantar skin ipsilateral to the injury but not around blood vessels. This α1-adrenoceptor upregulation in the plantar skin was observed on all nerve fiber populations examined. However, α1-adrenoceptor expression was unaltered in the dorsal hind paw skin after the injury. The increased expression of α1-adrenoceptors on cutaneous nociceptors in plantar skin after chronic constriction injury suggests that this may be a site of sensory-sympathetic coupling that increases sensitivity to adrenergic agonists after nerve injury. In addition, activation of upregulated α1-adrenoceptors in the epidermis might cause release of factors that stimulate nociceptive signaling. ⋯ Our findings indicate that peripheral nerve injury provokes upregulation of α1-adrenoceptors on surviving nociceptive afferents and epidermal cells in the skin. This might contribute to sympathetically maintained pain in conditions such as complex regional pain syndrome, painful diabetic neuropathy, and postherpetic neuralgia.
Experimental neurology · Feb 2014
Chronic ibuprofen administration reduces neuropathic pain but does not exert neuroprotection after spinal cord injury in adult rats.
Ibuprofen is commonly used as an anti-inflammatory analgesic drug, although it is not amongst the first-line treatments for neuropathic pain. Its main effects are mediated by non-specific inhibition of COX enzymes, but it also exerts some COX-independent effects, such as the inhibition of RhoA signaling and the modulation of glial activity. These effects have boosted the use of ibuprofen as a tool to promote axonal regeneration and to increase functional recovery after neural injuries, although with controversial results showing positive and negative outcomes of ibuprofen treatment in several experimental models. ⋯ Our results indicate that ibuprofen ameliorates mechanical hyperalgesia in rats by reducing central hyperexcitability, but failed to produce improvements in the recovery of locomotion. Despite an early effect on reducing microglial reactivity, the ibuprofen treatment did not provide histological evidence of neuroprotection; indeed the volume of cord tissue spared rostral to the lesion was decreased in ibuprofen treated rats. In summary, the early modulation of neuroinflammation produced by the administration of ibuprofen seems to eventually lead to a worse resolution of detrimental events occurring in the secondary injury phase, but also to reduce the development of neuropathic pain.