Articles: neuropathic-pain.
Introduction. Neuromodulation, mediated by invasive electric stimulation, has been shown to be effective when applied to patients with refractory and intractable neuropathic pain. Recent advances in neurostimulation have broadened the therapeutic uses of this therapy, with the placement of extraspinal electrodes for peripheral nerve stimulation. Methods. Four patients with long-evolving, persistent, severe, uncontrolled, and localized pain in the occipital region, in whom other management options had been tried and failed, were treated with a peripheral, occipital, extraspinal electric stimulation (C1-C2-C3). ⋯ Results. In all cases, stimulation of the occipital region yielded good or very good global results. In all patients, continuous pain disappeared, the frequency and severity of the episodic pain decreased, function improved, and restful sleep improved. As a result of stimulation we were either able to reduce or discontinue medication usage in all of our patients.
Neuropathic pain accounts for 25-50% of pain clinic visits with an estimated prevalence of 4 million. Neuropathic pain is often difficult to diagnose and treat with few pharmacologic options currently available. This review summarizes the latest research on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain. ⋯ Neuropathic pain is common, underdiagnosed and undertreated. Diagnosing and understanding the basic mechanisms of neuropathic pain will lead to better treatments of this difficult health care problem.
Introduction. Since its first application in 1967, numerous case series indicate that spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an effective treatment for the management of failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). However, only one randomized controlled trial has demonstrated that SCS provides more effective pain relief than re-operation and conventional medical management. The PROCESS randomized, controlled, multicenter trial aims to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of SCS when added to conventional medical management compared to conventional medical management alone in patients with FBSS. ⋯ At the 6-month visit, patients will be classified as successful (≥ 50% pain relief in the legs) or unsuccessful (< 50% pain relief in the legs). If the results of the randomized treatment are unsuccessful, patients can cross over to the alternative treatment arm. Discussion. This paper highlights the rationale, design, methods, and challenges of an ongoing prospective, randomized, controlled, multicenter clinical trial that has been undertaken to obtain conclusive evidence of the clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an SCS system in patients with FBSS.
Cannabinoids have been known for their analgesic, anxiolytic, antiemetic and antispastic properties for many centuries. Since an endogenous cannabinoid system has been identified in the past two decades, cannabinoids have also become the focus of interest in western medicine. This review summarizes preclinical and clinical studies on the role of the endocannabinoid system and exogenous cannabinoids in anaesthesia and pain management. ⋯ In general, the results of the very few well-conducted clinical trials often diverge from the highly interesting and promising findings of preclinical studies. Taken together, the most recent preclinical and clinical data suggest that cannabinoids should be applied as low-dose co-analgesics to inhibit neuroplasticity and central sensitization rather than as analgesics in acute pain.
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has traditionally been applied to the treatment of neuropathic pain with good to excellent outcomes. Visceral pain syndromes can be just as debilitating and disabling as somatic and neuropathic pain, however, there seems to be a general lack of consensus on appropriate treatment strategies for these disorders. We present here several case studies to demonstrate the viscerotomal distribution of abdominal visceral pain pathways and the application of traditional SCS techniques for its management. ⋯ There was an overall mean reduction of 4.9 points in the VAS score for pain intensity and a substantial (> 50%) decrease in narcotic use. All patients were followed for more than one year with excellent outcomes and minimal complications. We conclude, based on these case reports, that SCS might be an effective, nondestructive, and reversible treatment modality for abdominal visceral pain disorders.