Articles: neuropathic-pain.
Curr Pain Headache Rep · May 2022
ReviewNeuromodulation Interventions for the Treatment of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: a Systematic Review.
Painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN) is a prevalent and debilitating condition, characterized by severe burning, tingling, and lancinating pain usually located in the distal lower extremities. In addition to manifesting with severe pain, PDN may also be associated with poor quality of life and sleep, mood disorders, burns, falls, and social withdrawal. The authors appraised the current body of literature for evidence on neuromodulation interventions for PDN. ⋯ In patients with refractory PDN unresponsive to conventional medical management (glucose optimization and oral analgesic medications), there is level I evidence supporting the use of 10-kHz and tonic dorsal column spinal cord stimulation (SCS). Included studies reported significant associations between 10-kHz and tonic dorsal column SCS and superior analgesic outcomes, physical functioning, and patient satisfaction. Current level of evidence remains limited for other modalities of neuromodulation for PDN including burst SCS (level II-3), dorsal root ganglion SCS (level III), and peripheral nerve stimulation (level II-3). Some studies reported improvements in neurological physical examination, sensory testing, and/or reflex testing in patients undergoing 10-kHz SCS for treatment of PDN. In summary, the purpose of this review is to equip provider with important updates on the use of neuromodulation interventions for the treatment of PDN that is refractory to conventional medical therapy, with current level I evidence supporting use of 10-kHz and tonic SCS for PDN.
Although electroacupuncture is widely used in chronic pain management, it is quite controversial due to its unclear mechanism. We hypothesised that EA alleviates pain by inhibiting degradation of the ecto-nucleotidase prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and facilitating ATP dephosphorylation in dorsal root ganglions (DRGs). ⋯ In a mouse model of chronic pain, electroacupuncture treatment increased levels of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP: an ecto-nucleotidase known to relieve pain hypersensitivity) by inhibiting PAP degradation in dorsal root ganglions. This promoted extracellular ATP dephosphorylation, inhibited glia activation and eventually alleviated peripheral nerve injury-induced mechanical pain hypersensitivity in mice. Our findings represent an important step forward in clarifying the mechanisms of pain relief afforded by acupuncture treatment.
The transition from acute to chronic pain results in maladaptive brain remodeling, as characterized by sensorial hypersensitivity and the ensuing appearance of emotional disorders. Using the chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve as a model of neuropathic pain in male Sprague-Dawley rats, we identified time-dependent plasticity of locus coeruleus (LC) neurons related to the site of injury, ipsilateral (LCipsi) or contralateral (LCcontra) to the lesion, hypothesizing that the LC→dorsal reticular nucleus (DRt) pathway is involved in the pathological nociception associated with chronic pain. LCipsi inactivation with lidocaine increased cold allodynia 2 days after nerve injury but not later. ⋯ Furthermore, chemogenetic inactivation of the LCcontra→DRtcontra pathway induced depressive-like behaviour in naïve animals, but it did not modify long-term pain-induced depression. Overall, nerve damage activates the LCipsi, which temporally dampens the neuropathic phenotype. However, the ensuing activation of a LCcontra→DRtcontra facilitatory pain projection contributes to chronic pain, whereas global bilateral LC activation contributes to associated depressive-like phenotype.
Painful chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common complication of chemotherapy with drugs such as taxanes and platinum compounds. Currently, no methods are available for early detection of sensory changes that are associated with painful CIPN, nor are there biomarkers that are specific to painful CIPN. This study aimed to compare Diode Laser fiber type-selective stimulator (DLss), a method to selectively stimulate cutaneous C and Aδ fibers, to traditional quantitative sensory testing (QST) in determining psychophysical differences between patients with painful CIPN and a control group. ⋯ While QST parameters such as warmth detection threshold were different between the groups in univariate analyses, these findings were likely attributable to group differences in patient age and cumulative chemotherapy dose. PERSPECTIVE: In this study, fiber-specific DLss test showed potential in identifying sensory changes that are specific for painful neuropathy, encouraging future testing of this approach as a biomarker for early detection of painful CIPN. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was approved by the Washington University Institutional Review Board (#201807162) and registered at (NCT03687970).
Neuropathic pain is a type of chronic pain with complex mechanisms, and current treatments have shown limited success in treating patients suffering from chronic pain. Accumulating evidence has shown that the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain is mediated by the plasticity of excitatory neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which provides insights into the treatment of hyperalgesia. ⋯ In summary, Shn2 regulates neuropathic pain, promotes the upregulation of GluN2D in glutamatergic neurons and increases the accumulation of GluR1 in excitatory neurons. Taken together, our study provides a new underlying mechanism for the development of neuropathic pain.