Articles: low-back-pain.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jan 1995
[Low back pain and headache during immediate postpartum. Role of obstetrical epidural analgesia].
The rate of low back pain and headache following parturition seems to be higher in patients delivered under epidural analgesia. The aim of this study, performed in the immediate postpartum (up to 3rd day) and including 200 patients delivered vaginally, was to assess the incidence and the risk factors of low back pain and headache. A total of 31.5% of them complained of low back pain (LBP+) after parturition. ⋯ The influence of epidural analgesia is questionable, as there was no difference between duration of labour and duration of epidural analgesia, if used, between the two groups. Patients for whom epidural analgesia was required are probably more susceptible to pain during pregnancy. Patients who suffered from postpartum headache (PPHDA+) were comparable to those who did not (PPDHA-).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Acta Neurochir. Suppl. · Jan 1995
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialSpinal cord stimulation versus reoperation for failed back surgery syndrome: a prospective, randomized study design.
Retrospectively reported results of spinal cord stimulation compare favorably with those of neurosurgical treatment alternatives for the treatment of failed back surgery syndrome, including reoperation and ablative procedures. There has been no direct prospective comparison, however, between SCS and other techniques for pain management. Therefore, we have designed a prospective, randomized comparison of spinal cord stimulation and reoperation in patients with persistent radicular pain, with and without low back pain, after lumbosacral spine surgery. ⋯ The primary outcome measure is the frequency of crossover to the alternative procedure, if the results of the first have been unsatisfactory after 6 months. Results for the first 27 patients reaching the 6-month crossover point show a statistically significant (p = 0.018) advantage for spinal cord stimulation over reoperation. Many other potentially important outcome measures will now be followed long-term as a larger overall study population accumulates.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in cases with symptomatic and asymptomatic Schmorl's nodes have been analysed. In all symptomatic cases, the vertebral body marrow surrounding the Schmorl's node was seen as low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and as high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. It was confirmed by histological examination that the MRI findings indicated the presence of inflammation and oedema in the vertebral bone marrow. ⋯ Inflammatory changes in the vertebral body marrow induced by intraosseous fracture and biological reactions to intraspongious disc materials might cause pain. We postulate that after fracture healing and subsidence of inflammation, the Schmorl's nodes become asymptomatic, in analogy with old vertebral compression fractures. MRI is not only useful in detecting the recently developed Schmorl's nodes but also in differentiating between symptomatic and asymptomatic Schmorl's nodes.
This was a cross-sectional analytic study. ⋯ The sacroiliac joint is a significant source of pain in patients with chronic low back pain and warrants further study.
Acta Neurochir. Suppl. · Jan 1995
Comparative StudySpinal cord stimulation versus spinal infusion for low back and leg pain.
The relative roles of spinal cord stimulation and the spinal infusion of opioids in the treatment of chronic, non-cancer lower body pain remains unclear. This report contains a retrospective analysis of patients with chronic lower body, neuropathic pain and treated over a 5 year period. Unilateral leg and/or buttock pain was treated initially with spinal stimulation and bilateral leg or mainly low back pain was treated initially with spinal infusions. 26 patients received spinal stimulation. ⋯ The review indicates that spinal infusions may be best for bilateral or axial pain that has not responded to spinal stimulation. Clonidine appears to be an alternative in high-dose morphine patients. New diamond-shaped electrode and dual quadripolar arrays appear to be very helpful for back, buttock, and/or bilateral leg pain patterns.