Articles: low-back-pain.
Neurol. Med. Chir. (Tokyo) · Apr 2018
Review Case ReportsConcomitant Intracranial and Lumbar Chronic Subdural Hematoma Treated by Fluoroscopic Guided Lumbar Puncture: A Case Report and Literature Review.
A 40-year-old man presented with a severe headache, lower back pain, and lower abdominal pain 1 month after a head injury caused by falling. Computed tomography (CT) of the head demonstrated bilateral chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) with a significant amount in the left frontoparietal region. At the same time, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine also revealed CSDH from L2 to S1 level. ⋯ Although surgical evacuation of lumbosacral CSDH was performed in seven cases, an alteration of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure following spinal surgery should be reminded because of the intracranial lesion. Since CSDH is well liquefied in both intracranial and spinal lesion, a less invasive approach is recommended not only for an intracranial lesion but also for spinal lesion. Fluoroscopic-guided lumbar puncture for lumbosacral CSDH following burr hole surgery for intracranial CSDH could be a recommended strategy.
Human volunteers were exposed experimentally to single-sided mechanical shocks (SSMS) and double-sided mechanical shocks (DSMS) while seated. ⋯ 4.
Journal of biomechanics · Apr 2018
Trunk and lower limb coordination during lifting in people with and without chronic low back pain.
Differences in synchronous movement between the trunk and lower limb during lifting have been reported in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients compared to healthy people. However, the relationship between movement coordination and disability in CLBP patients has not been investigated. A cross-sectional study was conducted to compare regional lumbar and lower limb coordination between CLBP (n = 43) and control (n = 29) groups. ⋯ There were no significant differences in lumbar-hip and hip-knee MARP and DP between the lower-disability CLBP and control groups. Lumbar-hip MARP was positively associated with ODI (R2 = 0.092, β = 0.30, p = 0.048). High-disability CLBP patients demonstrated decreased lumbar-hip movement coordination and stiffer hip-knee movement during lifting than low-disability CLBP patients and healthy controls.
Bmc Complem Altern M · Apr 2018
Randomized Controlled TrialPulsatile dry cupping in chronic low back pain - a randomized three-armed controlled clinical trial.
We aimed to investigate the effectiveness of two different forms of dry pulsatile cupping in patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP) compared to medication on demand only in a three-armed randomized trial. ⋯ Both forms of cupping were effective in cLBP without showing significant differences in direct comparison after four weeks, only pulsatile cupping showed effects compared to control after 12 weeks.