Articles: general-anesthesia.
A complex system is often associated with emergence of new phenomena from the interactions between the system's components. General anesthesia reduces brain complexity and so inhibits the emergence of consciousness. An understanding of complexity is necessary for the interpretation of brain monitoring algorithms. ⋯ Computing spatial complexities involves forming a connectivity matrix and calculating the complexity of connectivity patterns. Spatiotemporal complexity can be estimated in multiple ways including temporal or spatial concatenation, estimation of state switching, or integrated information. This article illustrates the concept and application of various complexities by providing working examples; a website with interactive demonstrations has also been created.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Sep 2022
Review Meta AnalysisFraction of Inspired Oxygen During General Anesthesia for Non-Cardiac Surgery: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Controversy exists regarding the effects of a high versus a low intraoperative fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2 ) in adults undergoing general anesthesia. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the effect of a high versus a low FiO2 on postoperative outcomes. ⋯ In adults undergoing general anesthesia for non-cardiac surgery, a high FiO2 did not improve outcomes including surgical site infections, length of stay, or mortality. However, the certainty of the evidence was assessed as low.
Several retrospective studies using administrative or single-center data have failed to show any difference between general anesthesia using propofol versus inhaled volatiles on long-term survival after breast cancer surgery. Although randomized controlled trials are ongoing, validated data from national clinical registries may advance the reliability of existing knowledge. ⋯ Among patients undergoing breast cancer surgery under general anesthesia, no association was observed between the choice of propofol or an inhaled volatile maintenance and overall survival.