Articles: general-anesthesia.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 1996
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialContinuous hypopharyngeal pH measurements in spontaneously breathing anesthetized outpatients: laryngeal mask airway versus tracheal intubation.
We measured the hypopharyngeal pH to compare the incidence of regurgitation associated with the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and the tracheal tube (TT) in spontaneously breathing, anesthetized patients. Sixty outpatients scheduled for elective peripheral surgery with a standardized general anesthetic technique were randomly allocated to receive either a LMA (n = 28) or a TT (n = 32) for airway management. A 4-mm pH electrode was placed in the hypopharynx, and pH values were continuously collected and stored in a portable pH data logger system until the end of the operation. ⋯ The hypopharyngeal pH values in both groups were similar, ranging between 5.5 and 7.5, with median values of 5.7 and 6.2 in the LMA and TT groups, respectively. The pH in any given patient did not vary more than 1.0 unit from the initial value recorded at the start of the operation. We conclude that continuous monitoring of the hypopharyngeal pH in spontaneously breathing, anesthetized outpatients failed to detect evidence of pharyngeal regurgitation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
[Does the difference in anesthetic methods influence postoperative nitrogen balance?].
To evaluate the influence of anesthesia on postoperative nitrogen balance after upper abdominal surgery, twenty-seven patients undergoing the surgery were investigated. They were allocated randomly to three groups receiving different anesthetic methods, i.e., epidural anesthesia, general anesthesia or balanced anesthesia. In the epidural anesthesia group, anesthesia was maintained with 0.5% isoflurane, nitrous oxide and oxygen supplemented with epidural analgesia extending from Th 1 to L 3. ⋯ Postoperative values of IL-6 and CRP also did not differ significantly among the three groups. Postoperative WBC was significantly higher in the balanced anesthesia group than in other two groups. The results suggest that the difference in anesthetic methods does not influence postoperative nitrogen balance.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
[Evaluation of postoperative hypoxemia with a pulse oximeter].
We investigated postoperative hypoxemia by monitoring of SPO2 with a pulse oximeter for the first 5 hours in the ward. Forty-eight adults were divided into the general anesthesia along (G) group and the combination of epidural and general anesthesia (E) group. The patients were randomly administered either 3 l. min(-1) oxygen with face mask for the initial 3 hours or room air. ⋯ Significant correlations were found between Spo2 levels and both age (R = 0.75) and preanesthetic Spo2 (R = 0.66) in G group. Spo2 was significantly lower in the patients whose anesthesia was stopped after 5 p.m. than in those who were weaned before 5 p.m. In conclusion, there is a high incidence of postoperative hypoxemia for several hours in the ward, which can be relieved by 3 l. min(-1) oxygen inhalation with face mask.
Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi · Feb 1996
[Study on combined acupunctural and general anesthesia in pneumonectomy].
Combined acupunctural and general anesthesia in pneumonectomy were studied. The result showed that general anesthesia complemented with electro-acupuncture at He Gu (LI 4) and San Yang Luo(SJ 8) reduced amount of Fentanyl 38-85 micrograms/h compared with general anesthesia alone. ⋯ It was considered that acupuncture in combination with general anesthesia could reduce dosage of anesthetics and the inhibition of physiological function. It is a practical and acceptable anesthetic method by the surgeon and patient.