Articles: general-anesthesia.
Physiologic and pathologic changes due to ageing should be taken in account for the preoperative evaluation and peroperative management of geriatric patients. Pharmacokinetic changes ed to reduce the doses of intravenous agents by 50%. ⋯ Pharmacodynamic deleterious effects are limitative in the choice of some drugs. Cardiocirculatory and pulmonary functions need specific, if possible non invasive monitoring, during surgery, recovery and the early postoperative days.
Critical care clinics · Jan 1990
ReviewGeneral anesthesia: management considerations in the trauma patient.
Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation are vital components of the resuscitation of the most seriously injured patients and those suffering from multisystem trauma. Therefore, general anesthesia administered both intravenously and endotracheally becomes the anesthetic of choice for most of this patient population. ⋯ Monitoring techniques include the basic noninvasive monitoring set forth in the American Society of Anesthesiologist's standards, as well as invasive cardiac monitoring via arterial catheters and pulmonary artery catheters. Attention to detail in the recovery room will continue the success of a well-conducted general anesthetic for the trauma patient.
J Conn State Dent Assoc · Jan 1990
Biography Historical Article"Vignettes" or a portrayal of Horace Wells.