Articles: pain-management-methods.
Multicenter Study
Who Hurts More? A Multicenter Prospective Study of In-Hospital Opioid Use in Pediatric Trauma Patients in the Midwest.
Despite increased national attention on misuse of prescription and nonprescription opioids for adolescents and children, little is known about opioid use in a pediatric population during hospitalization for injury. The purpose of this investigation is to describe opioid administration and magnitude of opioid exposure in the first 48 hours of hospitalization in a pediatric trauma population. ⋯ Most pediatric trauma patients received an opioid in the first 48 hours of hospitalization, although prevalence and exposure varied by age, injury, and acuity. Aggressive pain management can be appropriate for injured pediatric patients; however, study results indicate areas for improvement, specifically for children with minor injuries and those receiving excessive opioid amounts.
Minerva anestesiologica · Oct 2019
ReviewRegional analgesia techniques for pain management in patients admitted to the intensive care unit.
Controlling pain should be a priority in the clinical practice of intensive care units (ICUs). Monomodal analgesic approaches, such as the administration of opioids, are widely employed; however, the widespread use of opioids has catastrophic consequences, given their multiple side effects and the development of dependence. Regional analgesia (RA), with single or continuous dosing using neuraxial and peripheral catheters, can play an important role in multimodal analgesia for management of pain in critical care patients. ⋯ Many critically ill, post-surgical or traumatically injured patients would benefit from these techniques. For these reasons, we aim to establish a set of potential indications integrating the use of RA in analgesia protocols routinely used in ICUs. We performed a review of literature sources with contrasted evidence levels to present RA techniques and their potential applications in ICU patients.
Balloon compression (BC), thermocoagulation (TC), and glycerol rhizolysis (GR) are percutaneous surgical options for trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Whether the outcomes of these procedures in multiple sclerosis -related TN (MS-TN) are as effective as in idiopathic TN (ITN) is unknown. ⋯ BC and TC are safe and effective in MS-TN. Postoperative numbness is the strongest prognostic factor in MS-TN.
Acute pain is a common reason for calling emergency medical services (EMS) and can require medication depending on the pain intensity. German EMS personnel feel strong pressure to reduce a patient's pain but are restricted by law. Currently, German federal law only allows the administration of opioid-containing drugs by or on the order of a physician, while in other European countries (e.g. Switzerland and The Netherlands) the administration of opioid-based analgesia by trained and certified paramedics is common practice. Consequently, a patient in Germany experiencing acute pain needs the attendance of an emergency physician in EMS missions. According to international standards pain reduction on the numeric rating scale (NRS) score by ≥2 or a NRS score ≤4 at the end of the patient transport is considered to be adequate. ⋯ The administration of analgesia by EMS personnel with teleconsultation of a physician is effective and has a low rate of complications, particularly morphine. Overall, algorithm-based call back-supported as well as telemedically supported analgesia concepts based on regular training improve the management of pain in the prehospital setting. In addition, the resources of the emergency physician remain available for life-threatening emergencies. The training, certification and supervision of EMS personnel is very important in both systems to ensure the best pain management care and patient safety. Adjustments to the federal law on the administration of analgesics would facilitate the realization of algorithm-based concepts by paramedics as pain reduction could be performed with delegation by a medical director without consulting another physician.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Oct 2019
ReviewAnesthetic management of complex spine surgery in adult patients: a review based on outcome evidence.
The aim of this article is to review the evidence regarding the anesthetic management of blood loss, pain control, and position-related complications of adult patients undergoing complex spine procedures. ⋯ As the number and complexity of spine procedures are being performed worldwide is increasing, we suggested to bundle the aforementioned effective interventions as part of an ERAS spine protocol to improve the patient outcome of spine surgery.