Articles: pain-management-methods.
A recent Lancet Commission raised concerns about the management of child and adolescent pain. We aimed to undertake a comprehensive review of qualitative research to understand children and adolescent pain experiences across contexts. We used the 7 stages of meta-ethnography to synthesise findings. ⋯ We report 6 themes focusing on transition to adulthood: (1) I want to stay within the safety of home; (2) don't exclude me from my own care; (3) it might hurt but it's for my own good; (4) I rely on others but I want some independence; (5) I am no longer a child but I am not an adult yet; and (6) I wasn't prepared for the transfer to adult health care. Our findings focus on the complex transition into adulthood and the importance of creating a genuine healthcare partnership with young people by acknowledging their perspectives, creating a safe and supportive environment, and preparing them for the transition to adult pain care. Arts-based methods have the potential to make findings from qualitative evidence syntheses accessible and impactful for compassionate health care.
Many patients experience acute pain, which has been associated with numerous negative consequences. Pain education has been proposed as a strategy to improve acute pain management. However, studies report limited effects with educational interventions for acute pain in adults, which can be explained by the underuse of the person-centered approach. ⋯ The most frequently reported educational preferences were for in-person education while involving caregivers and to obtain information first from physicians, then by other professionals. This review has highlighted the needs and preferences to be considered in pain education interventions, which should be embedded in an approach cultivating communication and partnership with patients and their caregivers. The results still need to be confirmed with different patient populations.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be associated with significant postoperative pain that is difficult to treat. We aimed to evaluate the available literature and develop updated recommendations for optimal pain management after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A systematic review was performed using the procedure-specific postoperative pain management (PROSPECT) methodology. ⋯ Three-port laparoscopy, a low-pressure pneumoperitoneum, umbilical port extraction, active aspiration of the pneumoperitoneum and saline irrigation are recommended technical aspects of the operative procedure. The following interventions are not recommended due to limited or no evidence on improved pain scores: single port or mini-port techniques, routine drainage, low flow insufflation, natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), infra-umbilical incision, i.v. clonidine, nefopam and regional techniques such as quadratus lumborum block or rectus sheath block. Several interventions provided better pain scores but are not recommended due to risk of side effects: spinal or epidural anaesthesia, gabapentinoids, i.v. lidocaine, i.v. ketamine and i.v. dexmedetomidine.
A multidisciplinary approach is the gold standard in the management of persistent pain and is current practice in tertiary pain clinics. However, such approaches seem to be a rarity in primary care, although pain is the most common reason for visiting a primary care physician. A comprehensive systematic review was conducted to explore whether studies on multidisciplinary management programs for persistent pain exist in primary care. ⋯ Persistent pain is a growing challenge to the health care system, and most patients are treated in primary care. The biopsychosocial concept is the basis for the multidisciplinary management of pain. The review revealed that studies about treatment interventions for persistent pain patients are scarce. Existing studies were heterogeneous in terms of intervention characteristics, population, outcome variables, and study methodology. There is an urgent need for further studies on systematic multidisciplinary treatment protocols for managing persistent pain in primary care.
Cannabinoids are increasingly used in the management of chronic pain. Although analgesic potential has been demonstrated, cannabinoids interact with a range of bodily functions that are also influenced by chronic pain medications, including opioids. ⋯ The available evidence directly investigating the pharmacodynamic effects following co-administration of cannabinoids and opioids for non-analgesic outcomes is scarce and suffers from a lack of methodological reporting. As such, further research in this area with comprehensive methodologic reporting is warranted.