Articles: pain-management-methods.
Neck pain is one of the major conditions attributing to overall disability in the United States. There have been multiple publications assessing clinical and cost effectiveness of multiple modalities of interventions in managing chronic neck pain. Even then, the literature has been considered sparse in relation to cervical interlaminar epidural injections in managing chronic neck pain. In contrast, cost utility studies of lumbar interlaminar injections, caudal epidural injections, cervical and lumbar facet joint nerve blocks, percutaneous adhesiolysis demonstrated costs of less than $3,500 for quality-adjusted life year (QALY). ⋯ Cervical interlaminar epidural injections, chronic neck pain, cervical disc herniation, cervical discogenic pain, post surgery syndrome, cost utility analysis, cost effectiveness analysis, quality-adjusted life years.
Accumulating evidence demonstrates the beneficial effects of physical exercise on pain conditions; however, the underlying mechanisms are not understood thoroughly. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of regular swimming exercise on neuroma pain and the possible roles of adipokines (leptin and adiponectin) in the pain behaviors modulated by exercise. The results showed that 5 weeks of regular swimming exercise relieved pain behaviors in a rat model of neuroma pain and normalized the dysregulation of circulating leptin and adiponectin in plasma induced by nerve injury. ⋯ These findings indicate that leptin and adiponectin might be involved in mediating the beneficial effects of exercise on neuroma pain. PERSPECTIVE: Perspective: Identifying which endogenous processes are activated by specific exercise regimes would likely reveal novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of neuropathic pain. The current study suggests that adipokines might be involved in pain behaviors modulated by exercise and thus presents them as potential targets for pain management.
Interlaminar and transforaminal epidural steroid injections (ILESI and TFESI) are commonly performed procedures. However, the United States Food and Drug Administration has required the addition of drug warning labels for injectable corticosteroids. Updated evidence and scrutiny from regulatory agencies may affect practice patterns. ⋯ Epidrual steroid injections, transforaminal epidural steroid injection, steroids, local anesthetic, survey, interventional pain.
Inadequate knowledge and training of healthcare providers are obstacles to effective chronic pain management. ECHO (extension for community healthcare outcomes) uses case-based learning and videoconferencing to connect specialists with providers in underserved areas. ECHO aims to increase capacity in managing complex cases in areas with poor access to specialists. ⋯ This study shows that ECHO improved providers' self-efficacy and knowledge. We evaluated outcomes from a multidisciplinary group of providers practicing in Ontario. This diversity supports the generalisability of our findings. Therefore, we suggest that this project may be used as a template for creating other educational programs on other medical topics.
Comparative Study Observational Study
Persistent Postsurgical Pain Following Thoracotomy: A Comparison of Thoracic Epidural and Paravertebral Blockade as Preventive Analgesia.
Persistent postsurgical pain (PPP) is common following thoracotomy. Thoracic epidural (TEB) and paravertebral blockade (PVB) are both established forms of perioperative analgesia for thoracotomy. There is currently a lack of data on their influence on PPP; this study aims to evaluate both techniques on PPP. ⋯ There was no statistical difference in the development of persistent postsurgical pain between patients who received a TEB or a PVB; however, patients who developed PPP had a significantly lower quality of life, which was worse with a neuropathic component.