Articles: pain-management-methods.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2012
Randomized Controlled TrialA study of low-dose S-ketamine infusion as "preventive" pain treatment for cesarean section with spinal anesthesia: benefits and side effects.
Attenuation of central sensitization with NMDA-active drugs such as S-Ketamine may play a role in postoperative analgesia and prevention of neuropathic pain. However, during cesarean section with neuraxial block, S-Ketamine might have adverse effects on the interaction between mothers and infants, including breastfeeding. ⋯ Preventive administration of S-Ketamine via 12-hour infusion was safe and may have anti-hyperalgesic action after cesarean section.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Attention focus, trait anxiety and pain perception in patients undergoing colposcopy.
Few studies have compared the relative efficacy of attention-focus strategies in reducing clinical pain. Colposcopy, a medical diagnostic examination performed to identify premalignant cervical cell changes, elicits both anxiety and pain in patients, while allowing little or no behavioural control over the event. Employing a multi-group experimental design, the present study sought to investigate how different types of attention-focus strategies impacted upon pain perception, state anxiety and affect, in a sample of 123 colposcopy patients. ⋯ Pre-colposcopy pain expectancy, but not trait anxiety, was found to be positively related to colposcopy-related pain. It was further demonstrated that heightened state anxiety following colposcopy was due to experienced pain and pain unpleasantness, rather than to aspects of the pre-colposcopy prediction of pain. The results have implications for management of acute clinical pain.
Contemp Clin Trials · Jul 2012
Randomized Controlled TrialGroup interventions for co-morbid insomnia and osteoarthritis pain in primary care: the lifestyles cluster randomized trial design.
Six weekly sessions of group cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia and osteoarthritis pain (CBT-PI), and for osteoarthritis pain alone (CBT-P) were compared to an education only control (EOC). Basic education about pain and sleep was comparable, so EOC controlled for information and group participation. Active interventions differed from EOC in training pain coping skills (CBT-P and CBT-PI) and sleep enhancement techniques (CBT-PI). ⋯ The trial was executed in 6 primary clinics, randomizing 367 participants, with 93.2% of randomized patients attending at least 4 group sessions. Response rates for post-intervention and 9 month assessments were 96.7% and 92.9% respectively. This hybrid efficacy-effectiveness trial design evaluates whether interventions yield specific benefits for clinical and behavioral outcomes relative to an education only control when implemented in a primary care setting.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Stress response and procedural pain in the preterm newborn: the role of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.
Repeated invasive procedures occur routinely in neonates who require intensive care, causing pain at a time when it is developmentally unexpected. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that repeated and prolonged pain exposure alters their subsequent pain processing, long-term development, and behaviour. Primary outcome of this study was to evaluate the reduction of procedural pain induced by "heel-lances" in preterm newborns with three different treatment [administration of fentanyl (FE, 1-2 μg/kg), facilitated tucking (FT), sensorial saturation (SS)]. Secondary outcome was the measurement of the levels of cytokines as markers of stress correlated to pain. A prospective randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing three different pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatments was performed involving 150 preterm newborn (gestational age 27-32 weeks). No other analgesic treatment was performed during the study. CRIES score was used to evaluate the procedural pain. The results showed that the reduction in the pain score was greater in FE and SS groups than FS group. The differences were statistically significant (p < 0.01). The levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α were higher in the FT individuals than in the FE or SS-treated infants at 1 day (p < 0.01), at 3 days (p < 0.01), and at 7 days (p < 0.01) of life. ⋯ The findings of this study suggest that FE and SS provide a superior analgesia in preterm neonates during procedural pain. In particular, sensorial saturation seems to be an important non-pharmacological alternative treatment to prevent and reduce the procedural pain in preterm newborn.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Morphine and ketamine is superior to morphine alone for out-of-hospital trauma analgesia: a randomized controlled trial.
We assess the efficacy of intravenous ketamine compared with intravenous morphine in reducing pain in adults with significant out-of-hospital traumatic pain. ⋯ Intravenous morphine plus ketamine for out-of-hospital adult trauma patients provides analgesia superior to that of intravenous morphine alone but was associated with an increase in the rate of minor adverse effects.