Articles: pain-management-methods.
Pain management after surgery is crucial to decrease perioperative morbidity and mortality. Acute pain services (APS) are multidisciplinary teams that represent a modern strategy to address pain inside hospitals. The APS defines and applies pain treatment protocols specific for each surgery. To evaluate the performance of the APS at our institute, we performed a large retrospective cohort study focusing on complications of epidural analgesia and IV opiates. ⋯ In our large case series, APS was confirmed safe and effective in treating postoperative pain, using both epidural analgesia and IV PCA with morphine.
Between 2009 and 2011 a series of 26 articles on evidence-based medicine for interventional pain medicine according to clinical diagnoses were published. The high number of publications since the last literature search justified an update. ⋯ This article summarizes the evolution of the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations for the interventional pain treatment options for 28 clinical pain diagnoses.
Musculoskelet Sci Pract · Jul 2019
Randomized Controlled TrialAssociation between sympathoexcitatory changes and symptomatic improvement following cervical mobilisations in participants with neck pain. A double blind placebo controlled trial.
sympathoexcitation observed with passive cervical mobilisations may imply activation of an endogenous pain inhibition system resulting in hypoalgesia. However, research is mostly in asymptomatic participants and there is very limited evidence of a relationship between sympathoexcitation and symptomatic improvement in people with clinical pain. ⋯ M10/2016/095.
Descending nociceptive inhibitory pathways often malfunction in people with chronic pain. Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) is an experimental evaluation tool for assessing the functioning of these pathways. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS), a well-known treatment option for people with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), probably exerts its pain-relieving effect through a complex interplay of segmental and higher-order structures. ⋯ This study revealed a bilateral effect of SCS that suggests the involvement of higher-order structures, such as the periaqueductal gray matter and rostroventromedial medulla (key regions in the descending pathways), as previously suggested by animal research.