Articles: pain-management-methods.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between pain of osteoarthritis (OA) and body mass index (BMI), age, pain control strategy, self-efficacy for pain control, exercise, and functional activities in a cohort of Iranian women. ⋯ The findings of this study suggest that life style modification and pain management education of women with OA and nurses on non-pharmacological interventions as well as integration of these into nursing care is essential.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Telehealth Therapy Effects of Nurses and Mental Health Professionals From 2 Randomized Controlled Trials for Chronic Back Pain.
To compare the efficacy of mental health professional versus primary care nurse-delivered telehealth cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and supportive care (SC) treatments for chronic low back pain, using data from 2 separate randomized controlled trials. Both trials were completed in the same hospital and used the same study design, research team, and outcome measures. ⋯ Results from these clinical trials suggest that the benefits of home-based, telehealth-delivered CBT and SC treatments for chronic back pain were comparable when delivered by a primary care nurse or mental health professional.
Review Practice Guideline
Standards for the management of cancer-related pain across Europe. A position paper from the EFIC Task Force on Cancer Pain.
Pain is a common symptom in patients who survive cancer and in those who live with progressive advanced disease. Evidence from meta-analyses suggests that pain remains poorly controlled for a large proportion of patients; barriers to good management include poor assessment of pain, inadequate support for patient self-management and late or inadequate access to strong opioid analgesia in those with advanced disease. ⋯ Pain affects up to 40% of cancer survivors and affects at least 66% of patients with advanced progressive disease, many of whom experience poor pain control. These 10 standards are aimed to improve cancer pain management, promote the quality of care of patients and reduce variation across Europe.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2019
Randomized Controlled TrialIntraoperative Methadone in Same-Day Ambulatory Surgery: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Dose-Finding Pilot Study.
Approximately 50 million US patients undergo ambulatory surgery annually. Postoperative opioid overprescribing is problematic, yet many patients report inadequate pain relief. In major inpatient surgery, intraoperative single-dose methadone produces better analgesia and reduces opioid use compared with conventional repeated dosing of short-duration opioids. This investigation tested the hypothesis that in same-day ambulatory surgery, intraoperative methadone, compared with short-duration opioids, reduces opioid consumption and pain, and determined an effective intraoperative induction dose of methadone for same-day ambulatory surgery. ⋯ In same-day discharge surgery, this pilot study identified a single intraoperative dose of methadone (0.15 mg/kg ideal body weight), which decreased intraoperative and postoperative opioid requirements and postoperative pain, compared with conventional intermittent short-duration opioids, with similar side effects.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Apr 2019
Meta AnalysisPain management after laparoscopic hysterectomy: systematic review of literature and PROSPECT recommendations.
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is increasingly performed because it is associated with less postoperative pain and earlier recovery as compared with open abdominal hysterectomy. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the available literature regarding the management of pain after laparoscopic hysterectomy. ⋯ The baseline analgesic regimen for laparoscopic hysterectomy should include acetaminophen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, dexamethasone, and opioids as rescue analgesics.