Articles: pain-management-methods.
The aim of this systematic review was to develop recommendations for the management of postoperative pain after primary elective total hip arthroplasty, updating the previous procedure-specific postoperative pain management (PROSPECT) guidelines published in 2005 and updated in July 2010. Randomised controlled trials and meta-analyses published between July 2010 and December 2019 assessing postoperative pain using analgesic, anaesthetic, surgical or other interventions were identified from MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane databases. Five hundred and twenty studies were initially identified, of which 108 randomised trials and 21 meta-analyses met the inclusion criteria. ⋯ Regional analgesic techniques such as fascia iliaca block or local infiltration analgesia are recommended, especially if there are contra-indications to basic analgesics and/or in patients with high expected postoperative pain. Epidural analgesia, femoral nerve block, lumbar plexus block and gabapentinoid administration are not recommended as the adverse effects outweigh the benefits. Although intrathecal morphine 0.1 mg can be used, the PROSPECT group emphasises the risks and side-effects associated with its use and provides evidence that adequate analgesia may be achieved with basic analgesics and regional techniques without intrathecal morphine.
Low back pain is a common problem that is the leading cause of disability and is associated with high costs. Evaluation focuses on identification of risk factors indicating a serious underlying condition and increased risk for persistent disabling symptoms in order to guide selective use of diagnostic testing (including imaging) and treatments. Nonpharmacologic therapies, including exercise and psychosocial management, are preferred for most patients with low back pain and may be supplemented with adjunctive drug therapies. Surgery and interventional procedures are options in a minority of patients who do not respond to standard treatments.
Curr Pain Headache Rep · Jul 2021
ReviewTemperature-Mediated Nerve Blocks in the Treatment of Pain.
Analgesic hot and cold temperatures have been used for both conservative and ablative therapies for millennia. There are well-known locoregional neurovascular changes associated with the application of heat or ice in the literature and in practice. The oscillation between heat and cold has recently been identified as a synergistic mechanism of action with early translational results in humans. ⋯ Recent mechanistic work in the feline model has demonstrated that a reliable, reversible nerve block can be achieved within a temperature range that is non-destructive (15-45°C). The underlying mechanism is a newly described hysteresis in the responsiveness of peripheral nerves to alternating thermal stimuli resulting in nerve blockade. Recently presented feasibility data reports positive results in subjects with occipital pain and peripheral scar pain in terms of pain and associated symptom improvement. Temperature-mediated changes in pain and sensation have been observed for hot and cold applications at a variety of temperatures. Recent insights into the synergy between preheating followed by cooling resulting in peripheral nerve fiber block has potential in a variety of conditions in which peripheral nerve etiology is noted. Recent findings in chronic headache patients report decreased pain and symptom improvement. Further studies are ongoing to understand the indications for this novel therapy.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet · Jul 2021
Meta AnalysisThe effectiveness of the abdominal binder in relieving pain after cesarean delivery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Abdominal binder is a non-pharmacological method of relieving pain after surgical procedures. ⋯ The abdominal binder could be an effective, simple, non-pharmacological option of relieving pain and distress after CD.
Tonsillectomy is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures; however, pain management remains challenging. Procedure-specific efficacy as well as specific risks of treatment options should guide selection of pain management protocols based on evidence and should optimise analgesia without harm. The aims of this systematic review were to evaluate the available literature and develop recommendations for optimal pain management after tonsillectomy. ⋯ Analgesic adjuncts such as intra-operative and postoperative acupuncture as well as postoperative honey are also recommended. Ketamine (only for children); dexmedetomidine; or gabapentinoids may be considered when some of the first-line analgesics are contra-indicated. Further randomised controlled trials are required to define risk and combination of drugs most effective for postoperative pain relief after tonsillectomy.