Articles: female.
In repeated clinical studies a preponderance of pain syndromes on the left side of the body has frequently been observed. Experimental studies in humans revealed a lower pain threshold on the left, nondominant side. On the other hand, some studies do not confirm this lateralization. ⋯ For pain induced by pressure, lateral asymmetry increased with pain intensity, for the other two methods it was constant. Lateral asymmetry was found in all subjects, but significant differences could only be demonstrated in female Ss. It is concluded that both gender and handedness contribute to lateral asymmetry of pain sensitivity in man.
Sources and levels of stress, as well as coping mechanisms, perceived by residents in both years of a two-year family practice residency program in Toronto are described. In addition, differences between first- and second-year residents, and between women and men residents, regardless of year, are examined. Results of the survey indicate that the levels of stress are relatively high throughout the two years of residency training. ⋯ Specific coping mechanisms include talking to others, adjusting attitudes and feelings, or strategic use of time. Recommendations aimed at helping family medicine residency programs deal with the problem of stress in residents are suggested. A current major province-wide research study including all interns and residents in Ontario is described.
Behavioural processes · Oct 1979
Influence of the buck on social behavior of captive female fallow deer (dama dama) during the rutting season.
The behavioral interactions and grouping patterns of eight confined fallow deer (Dama dama) were observed during the rutting season to determine the influence of the buck on herd social organization and behavior. Data were collected on five does, two female fawns, and one male fawn under three conditions: (1) buck in the paddock, (2) buck not in the paddock but present outside of the paddock fence, and (3) buck absent. ⋯ When the buck was absent, the aggressive behavior of the dominant does increased and was directed primarily at the subordinate does. The significance of male suppression of female-female aggression is discussed in regard to reproductive strategies.
The purpose of the present study was the investigation of the intercorrelations among psychosocial crisis resolution variables and ego identity statuses. The focus of the study was correlational including discriminant analyses which allowed for the identification of psychosocial crisis predictor variables which significantly distinguished identity statuses. Discriminant analyses were also computed for the purpose of identifying variables which significantly distinguished male and female identity statuses. ⋯ The evidence presented also demonstrated additional convergent and discriminant validity of Marcia's ego identity status concept. The results assisted in distinguishing male and female identity statuses. The findings tended to indicate that coping with the identity crisis (e.g., identity status) involves different psychosocial components.
Based on Erikson's view of the importance of "inner space" in feminine identity, researchers have added an interview on premarital sex to the standard ego identity interview on occupation, religion, and politics used for males. This study was designed to investigate the relative importance of premarital sexual ideology for males and females, as well as sex differences in identity status on occupation, religion, and politics. ⋯ Males as well as females were more likely to be committed about sex than about any other area. In all areas except sex, female identity followed basically the same pattern as male identity.