Articles: pain-measurement.
Prior work on postoperative pain trajectories has examined pain score changes over time using daily averages of pain scores. However, little is known about the time required until patients consistently report minimal postoperative pain. ⋯ Although additional analyses are necessary, SuPPR may represent a novel method for evaluating acute pain service performance.
Journal of neurosurgery · May 2016
Correlation of preoperative MRI with the long-term outcomes of dorsal root entry zone lesioning for brachial plexus avulsion pain.
OBJECT Lesioning of the dorsal root entry zone (DREZotomy) is an effective treatment for brachial plexus avulsion (BPA) pain. The role of preoperative assessment with MRI has been shown to be unreliable for determining affected levels; however, it may have a role in predicting pain outcomes. Here, DREZotomy outcomes are reviewed and preoperative MRI is examined as a possible prognostic factor. ⋯ A longer duration of pain prior to operation was also a significant predictor of treatment success (p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS Overall, the DREZotomy procedure has a 66% chance of achieving meaningful pain relief on long-term follow-up. Successful pain relief is associated with the lack of damage to the DREZ and dorsal horn on preoperative MRI.
Cuff algometry is used for the psychophysical assessment of deep-tissue pain sensitivity. The cuff pressure homogeneity may affect the pain sensitivity assessment and potentially be improved by alternative cuff designs optimizing the pressure distribution. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between pain sensitivity, inflation pressure, and distribution of interface pressure between the skin and cuff during stimulation with a conventional air tourniquet and a novel tourniquet including a water tube interfacing the air cuff with the skin. ⋯ Cuff systems with a liquid medium optimize the homogeneity of the interface pressure distribution. However, the deviation of the interface pressure from the inflating pressure is crucial as it counteracts the effects of pressure homogeneity on pain sensitivity in water-cuff algometry.
Disparities in health care associated with patients' gender, race, and age are well documented. Previous studies using virtual human (VH) technology have demonstrated that provider characteristics may play an important role in pain management decisions. However, these studies have largely emphasized group differences. ⋯ These findings highlight the interaction of patient and provider factors in driving clinical decision making. Although profession was related to use of VH age cues in pain-related clinical judgments, this relationship was modified by providers' personal characteristics. Additional research is needed to understand what aspects of professional training or practice may account for differences between physicians and dentists and what forms of continuing education may help to mitigate the disparities.