Articles: neuralgia.
Schweiz. Rundsch. Med. Prax. · Oct 1989
Review[Palliative neurosurgical treatment of chronic pain following peripheral nerve lesions].
Pathogenesis of pain after traumatic or iatrogenic lesions to peripheral nerves as well as local and conservative therapeutic possibilities are briefly reviewed. If pain subsides or in the case of relapse with establishment of a chronic pain-state the therapy of choice consists in implanting a programmable neuro-stimulator with the electrodes placed near the dorsal sensory roots in the cervical epidural space for the upper extremities or along the posterior columns of the medulla in the thoracic epidural space for the legs. With a success rate for long term pain control of approximately 80% this reversible method which is well tolerated by the nervous system should always be considered for deafferentation-pain (neurogenic pain).
The Sphenopalatine neuralgia of the ganglion is characterized for a throbbing pain mostly unilateral encircling the orbit and occasionally extended to the neighborhood. A vegetative component hydrorrhea, sneezing crisis and abnormal lacrimation is associated. The ideal therapy, giving excellent results, is the iontophoresis of the ganglion, which technic was published years ago by F. Barceló.
Acta medica Hungarica · Jan 1989
Review Case ReportsTreatment of chronic pain syndromes with transcutaneous iontophoresis of vinca alkaloids, with special regard to post-herpetic neuralgia.
Successful treatment of 35 post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) patients by means of transcutaneous iontophoresis of Vincristine is reported. This technique, based on transganglionic regulation--a novel neurobiological principle discovered by Csillik and Knyihár-Csillik-, alleviated pain in both fresh and inveterated PHN cases. Statistical analysis of the results excludes a placebo-like action.