Articles: neuralgia.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
A multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural programme for coping with chronic neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury: the protocol of the CONECSI trial.
Most people with a spinal cord injury rate neuropathic pain as one of the most difficult problems to manage and there are no medical treatments that provide satisfactory pain relief in most people. Furthermore, psychosocial factors have been considered in the maintenance and aggravation of neuropathic spinal cord injury pain. Psychological interventions to support people with spinal cord injury to deal with neuropathic pain, however, are sparse. The primary aim of the CONECSI (COping with NEuropathiC Spinal cord Injury pain) trial is to evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural treatment programme on pain intensity and pain-related disability, and secondary on mood, participation in activities, and life satisfaction. ⋯ The CONECSI trial will reveal the effects of a multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural programme for people with chronic neuropathic spinal cord injury pain. This intervention is expected to contribute to the rehabilitation treatment possibilities for this population.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Relationship between health-related quality of life, pain, and functional disability in neuropathic pain patients with failed back surgery syndrome.
Patients with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) and chronic neuropathic pain experience levels of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) that are considerably lower than those reported in other areas of chronic pain. The aim of this article was to quantify the extent to which reductions in (leg and back) pain and disability over time translate into improvements in generic HRQoL as measured by the EuroQoL-5D and SF-36 instruments. ⋯ Reduction in leg pain and functional disability is statistically significantly associated with improvements in generic HRQoL. This is the first study to investigate the longitudinal relationship between generic and disease-specific HRQoL of neuropathic pain patients with FBSS, using multinational data.
Bmc Complem Altern M · Jan 2010
Randomized Controlled TrialThe effect of Neuragen PN on neuropathic pain: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial.
A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the naturally derived topical oil, "Neuragen PN" for the treatment of neuropathic pain. ⋯ This randomized, placebo controlled, clinical trial with crossover design revealed that the naturally derived oil, Neuragen PN, provided significant relief from neuropathic pain in an all cause neuropathy group. Participants with diabetes within this group experienced similar pain relief.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effectiveness of multiple neurectomies to prevent chronic groin pain after tension-free hernia repair.
The question of which nerve--the ilioinguinal or the iliohypogastric--most often causes chronic groin pain after hernia repair remains to be answered. We sought to evaluate the effects of prophylactic neurectomies on the incidence of persistent groin pain after Lichtenstein repair. Two hundred forty patients were randomized to 1 of 4 groups: the all-nerve preservation group, the ilioinguinal neurectomy group, the iliohypogastric neurectomy group, and the neurectomies group. ⋯ No statistically significant differences in quality of life were noted in any of the groups. In conclusion, both nerves seem to be responsible for neuropathic postherniorrhaphy pain. Elective excision of the nerves can be done safely during tension-free hernia repair.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Effect of duration of postherpetic neuralgia on efficacy analyses in a multicenter, randomized, controlled study of NGX-4010, an 8% capsaicin patch evaluated for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia.
Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a painful and difficult to treat complication of acute herpes zoster. Current treatment options provide only partial relief and are often limited by poor tolerability. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of a single 60-minute application of NGX-4010, an 8% capsaicin patch, in patients with PHN. ⋯ Although treatment appeared to be safe and well tolerated, a single 60-minute application of NGX-4010 failed to show efficacy in this study which included patients with PHN for less than 6 months. Large reductions in pain observed among control patients with pain for less than 6 months may have been due to spontaneous resolution of PHN, may have confounded the results of the prespecified analyses, and should be taken into account when designing PHN studies.