Articles: nerve-block.
Cahiers d'anesthésiologie · Jan 1995
[Blocking of the brachial plexus: which technique(s) should be chosen?].
Brachial plexus blocks for upper extremity surgery: what are the preferred techniques? Brachial plexus anaesthesia for all types of upper extremity surgical procedures cannot be adequately achieved with a single technique. At least, two approaches are required: above the clavicle, Winnie's interscalene brachial plexus block, using a neurostimulator, has become the standard technique for shoulder surgery. Below the clavicle, midhumerus approach is the most successful approach for elbow, fore arm and hand surgery, especially for outpatient surgery. ⋯ The supraclavicular approach using surface landmarks might be the best approach due to its efficacy in achieving complete anaesthesia of the upper extremity and the rarity of secondary displacement of the catheter. Whatever the selected approach(es) to brachial plexus nerves, nerve location it best achieved by neurostimulation and often multiple neurostimulation. Insulated needles are being increasingly used due to accuracy but, currently, there is no general agreement concerning the type of needle bevel to be preferred in regard to both safety and accuracy.
Comparative Study
Quantitative assessment of differential sensory nerve block after lidocaine spinal anesthesia.
Recent technology allows for quantitative and selective measurement of A beta, A delta, and C fiber nerve transmission. To gain further insight into the physiology of differential block after lidocaine spinal anesthesia, the function of these different fibers was quantitatively measured over time, and these measurements were correlated with regression of anesthesia to pinprick, touch, cold, and tolerance of tetanic electrical current (equivalent to surgical incision). ⋯ Differential sensory block during spinal anesthesia is due to different recovery profiles of A beta, A delta, and C fibers. Return of A beta current perception thresholds to baseline correlated with duration of surgical anesthesia as assessed with an electrical stimulation model.
Ann Chir Main Memb Super · Jan 1995
Comparative Study[Anesthesia for hand surgery in patients with bullous epidermolysis].
Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare genetic disease, characterized by the formation of bullae in the skin and squamous epithelium following minimal trauma. The majority of surgical indications specific to this disease concern autosomal recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB). Hand surgery is one of the fields of surgery involved. ⋯ Regional anaesthetic techniques, particularly in the upper limb, present many advantages in addition to their feasibility in small children: efficacy, simplicity, postoperative analgesia, and outpatient comfort. In the context of the specificities and difficulties encountered in the management of these patients suffering from epidermolysis bullosa, the authors demonstrate the value of first-line regional anaesthesia, even in very young children (less than 3 years). The presence of a parent in the operating room is a valuable aid, which is still insufficiently used, but which should be used with conviction for the benefit of all concerned.
Postoperative pain after shoulder surgery is known to be intense and requires usually opioid administration. The recent use of regional anaesthesia for this type of surgery has contributed to the relief of acute postoperative pain occurring in the recovery room since the analgesic effects of block persist for several hours after surgery depending upon the selected drug. Moreover, the development of less invasive surgery (arthroscopy) and experience with regional blocks have permitted to perform minor shoulder surgery on an outpatient basis. ⋯ However, for more invasive surgery, regional anaesthesia should be associated to a light general anaesthesia as well as the insertion of a supraclavicular catheter for postoperative analgesia. A diaphragmatic paresis secondary to a blockade of the phrenic nerve is constant radiologically after interscalenic block but remains symptomless. However, in case of severe preoperative chronic respiratory insufficiency, decompensation may occur rapidly after performance of the interscalenic block.
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim · Jan 1995
Case Reports[Interscalenic block: accidental catheterization of the epidural space].
A case is reported of inadvertent insertion of a brachial plexus catheter into the cervical epidural space, at the sitting of an interscalene block for postoperative analgesia, during the recovery from general anaesthesia after surgical repair of a rupture of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. No features of cervical epidural anaesthesia were seen after the first injection of local anaesthetic, as it was made through the catheter insertion cannula. ⋯ The X-ray obtained after catheter opacification showed the penetration of contrast medium into the epidural space. In our case, two out of the three means of prevention of this complication were not possible: a) sitting of the interscalene block before induction of anaesthesia, as the insertion conditions of the catheter are better in a conscious, sitting patient; b) adequate cannula orientation (namely medial, dorsal and slightly caudal); c) routine X-ray control of the catheter position before the first injection, associated with careful clinical monitoring for 30 min after each local anaesthetic injection.