Articles: nerve-block.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparison of the analgesic effect of an adductor canal block using a new suture-method catheter vs. standard perineural catheter vs. single-injection: a randomised, blinded, controlled study.
We performed a randomised, blinded, controlled study with adult patients scheduled for primary total knee arthroplasty under spinal anaesthesia. The aim was to investigate the analgesic effects of adductor canal block using catheter-based repeated boluses, either through a new suture-method catheter or a standard perineural catheter, compared with a single-injection technique. All patients received an adductor canal block after surgery with an initial bolus of 20 ml ropivacaine 0.75%, followed by 20 ml of ropivacaine 0.2% every 8 h in the standard and suture-method catheter groups, and sham boluses for the single-injection group. ⋯ On postoperative day 2, there were no differences between catheter groups, but muscle strength and ambulation were improved compared with the single-injection group. We conclude that providing repeated boluses via a catheter did not decrease opioid consumption or pain compared with a single injection, but improved muscle strength and ambulation on postoperative day 2. The two types of catheters were similar.
Letter Case Reports
Treatment of intractable hiccups using phrenic nerve block.
In this narrative review article, the authors discuss the anatomy, nomenclature, history, approaches (posterior vs. lateral vs. subcostal), techniques, pharmacology, indications, and complications of transversus abdominis plane blocks, as well as possible alternative truncal blocks. Despite the scarcity of evidence and contradictory findings, certain clinical suggestions can nonetheless be made. Overall transversus abdominis plane blocks appear most beneficial in the setting of open appendectomy (posterior or lateral approach). ⋯ Furthermore, posterior transversus abdominis plane blocks should be investigated for surgical interventions in which their lateral counterparts have proven not to be beneficial (e.g., laparoscopic hysterectomy/appendectomy, open prostatectomy). More importantly, because posterior transversus abdominis plane blocks can purportedly provide sympathetic blockade and visceral analgesia, they should be compared with thoracic epidural analgesia for open colorectal surgery. Finally, transversus abdominis plane blocks should be compared with newer truncal blocks (e.g., erector spinae plane and quadratus lumborum blocks) with well-designed and adequately powered trials.
To investigate, describe, and assess the phenomenon of "rebound pain" as a clinically relevant problem in anesthetic practice. ⋯ Rebound pain assessment should always be considered in clinical practice, as it is not a rare side effect of peripheral nerve blocks. There are still many challenging questions to be answered about rebound pain, so large prospective studies are needed to address the issue. For prevention, the use of peripheral nerve block techniques that avoid nerve damage and adequate perioperative analgesia associated with patient education on the early administration of analgesics, even during the period of analgesia provided by peripheral nerve block, is recommended. A better understanding of the "rebound pain" phenomenon, its pathophysiology, associated risk factors, and long-term consequences may help in developing more effective preventive strategies.