Journal of clinical anesthesia
Test the hypothesis that the center of ventilation, a measure of ventro-dorsal atelectasis, is posterior during supraglottic ventilation indicating better dependent-lung ventilation. Secondarily, we tested the hypothesis that supraglottic ventilation improves oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination. ⋯ The center of ventilation distribution, a measure of atelectasis, was similar with supraglottic and subglottic jet ventilation. Subglottic jet ventilation improved the dorsal-dependent lung region and provided superior arterial oxygenation. Both techniques effectively eliminated carbon dioxide, with the supraglottic approach demonstrating slightly superior efficacy.
Substance P is a neuropeptide with a pivotal role in pain transmission and modulation. Preclinical studies suggest that targeting substance P and inhibiting its receptor, neurokinin 1 (NK-1), is a potential avenue for pain relief. When translated into clinical settings, these preliminary findings yielded mixed results. This meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) aims to investigate whether a preemptive administration of NK-1 antagonists may reduce postoperative pain. ⋯ Preoperative single-administration of NK-1 antagonists reduces postoperative pain. The observed pain reduction pattern is consistent with the pharmacokinetics (half-life 9-12 h) of these inhibitors and with data from preclinical studies.
Complications associated with suboptimal pain management after pediatric cardiac surgery have increased interest in regional anesthesia (RA). We sought to evaluate national trends and explore the association of RA with postoperative outcomes following pediatric cardiac surgery. ⋯ RA use is increasing in pediatric cardiac surgery in the U.S. and may be associated with surgery-specific outcome improvements.
Electroencephalogram oscillations during general anesthesia may change as a function of cognitive and physical health. This study aimed to characterize associations between anesthesia-induced oscillations and postoperative outcomes in cardiac surgery patients over 60 years. ⋯ Registration Number: NCT02856594.