Journal of clinical anesthesia
Randomized Controlled Trial
Ferric carboxymaltose with or without phosphate substitution in iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia before elective surgery - The DeFICIT trial.
Iron deficiency anemia in the perioperative setting is treated predominantly with intravenous iron formulation, of which ferric carboxymaltose may induce hypophosphatemia by modulating fibroblast growth factor 23. ⋯ Co-administration of oral phosphate supplementation to ferric carboxymaltose cannot prevent hypophosphatemia. However, hypophosphatemia occurs in fewer patients. Phosphate co-administration did not impede the treatment of iron deficiency anemia with ferric carboxymaltose.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Reduction of postoperative pain and opioid consumption by VVZ-149, first-in-class analgesic molecule: A confirmatory phase 3 trial of laparoscopic colectomy.
VVZ-149 is a small molecule that inhibits the glycine transporter type 2 and the serotonin receptor 5-hydroxytryptamine 2 A. In this Phase 3 study, we investigated the efficacy and safety of VVZ-149 as a single-use injectable analgesic for treating moderate to severe postoperative pain after laparoscopic colectomy. ⋯ Trial Number NCT05764525.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Volume of intraoperative normal saline versus lactated Ringer's solution on acute kidney injury: A secondary analysis of the SOLAR trial.
Postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI) is common after non-cardiac surgery. Normal saline and lactated Ringer's solution are both used for volume replacement during surgery. Normal saline decreases renal blood flow and causes hyperchloremic acidosis whereas lactated Ringer's does not. The incidence of AKI is similar with modest volumes of each fluid. But it remains unclear whether larger volumes of normal saline provoke AKI. ⋯ While saline administration clearly causes volume-dependent hyperchloremia, we found no evidence to support the theory that large volumes of saline provoke AKI. Therefore, either fluid seems reasonable for intraoperative use.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Individual FiO2 guided by SPO2 prevents hyperoxia and reduces postoperative atelectasis in colorectal surgery: A randomized controlled trial.
To determine whether individualized fraction of inspired oxygen (iFiO2) improves pulmonary atelectasis after elective laparoscopic colorectal surgery relative to 60 % FiO2. ⋯ ChiCTRT2100049615.
Randomized Controlled Trial Observational Study
Ultrasound-assisted middle thoracic epidural catheter placement utilizing the most dorsal sites of bilateral transverse process roots as anatomical landmarks: A cadaveric observational study and a clinical randomized controlled trial.
We developed an innovative method for ultrasound-assisted thoracic epidural catheter placement and assessed its potential to reduce procedural duration for trainees. ⋯ Our novel technique for thoracic epidural catheter placement resulted in expedited needling and enhanced success rates among trainees, although there was no significant difference between total procedure time when using ultrasound guidance and that when using conventional palpation.