Articles: intubation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
A single bolus dose of esmolol in the prevention of intubation-induced tachycardia and hypertension in an ambulatory surgery unit.
The efficacy of a single bolus dose of esmolol in the prevention of intubation-induced tachycardia and hypertension was studied in a double-blind manner. Thirty patients from the Ambulatory Surgery Unit at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center were prospectively randomized to receive a placebo, 100 mg of esmolol, or 200 mg of esmolol immediately prior to induction (2.5 to 3.0 minutes before intubation). ⋯ The average maximum BP increase was 47% in the placebo group versus 22% and 19% in the esmolol 100 mg and esmolol 200 mg groups, respectively. There were no significant differences between the two esmolol groups. This study demonstrates the efficacy of a single bolus dose of esmolol in blunting the tachycardic and hypertensive responses to laryngoscopy and intubation in an ambulatory surgery setting.
Five patients requiring general anesthesia but presenting with compromised airways were successfully intubated by blind awake intubation with the aid of regional anesthesia and the use of appropriate sedation. Arterial blood gases were collected at three intervals: presedation, postsedation, and postintubation. ⋯ Supplemental oxygen is suggested to avoid the effects of arterial desaturation during the sedation process. If oxygen is not administered, the risk of moderate hypoxia associated with blind awake intubation must be considered along with alternative problems including loss of protective reflexes or the inability to ventilate during induction and intubation via a direct technique.
Unplanned removal of an endotracheal airway tube by a patient (SXT) represents a potentially life-threatening incident. Prospective monitoring of all intubated adult ICU patients for one year revealed that 12 of 112 extubated themselves (overall incidence, 11 percent). Comparison of SXT patients with the NXT group disclosed no risk factors for this occurrence. ⋯ The complication (and reintubation) rate in the SXT group was 31 percent. The reintubation rate in deliberate extubations was 11 percent. Self-extubation is a common occurrence which, despite obvious hazards, often is tolerated well by adults.
Decisions regarding the application and care of airways in respiratory failure are important determinants of outcome in critically ill patients. Specialized procedures for institution of translaryngeal intubation in difficult circumstances, such as fiberoptic intubation, and provision of immediate surgical airway access, such as cricothyroidotomy, are requisite skills for the intensivist. The evolving application of standard techniques and advent of newer procedures for airway cannulation require extensive experience and cognitive skills in the management of tracheal intubation to enhance patient benefit and limit adverse effects from tracheal intubation.
Critical care medicine · Jul 1990
Prospective evaluation of a nonradiographic device for determination of endotracheal tube position in children.
A new noninvasive, nonradiographic endotracheal tube (ETT) position detection system (ETT-PDS) for guidance of ETT positioning was evaluated in pediatric ICU patients. The system includes an ETT with a metallic element embedded at a defined distance from the ETT tip, and a portable locator instrument which detects transcutaneously the position of the metallic element. ⋯ The ETT malposition rates observed on the postintubation chest radiographs were 39.1% after positioning guided by clinical assessment alone, and 19.6% after positioning guided by clinical assessment plus the ETT-PDS (p less than 0.5). This reduction in malnutrition rate could not be demonstrated when the ETT-PDS was used to guide routine ETT positioning performed before morning chest radiographs.