Articles: intubation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
[Laryngeal edema after extubation. Do corticosteroids play a role in its prevention?].
The role of corticosteroids in the prevention of post-extubation laryngeal oedema was evaluated in a randomized study of 276 patients under mechanical ventilation. Fifty per cent of the patients received methylprednisolone 40 mg intramuscularly and intravenously. ⋯ Thus, the incidence of laryngeal oedema was not modified by corticosteroids. Regular prescription of corticosteroids does not seem to be useful before extubation of patients intubated with large volume, low-pressure balloon tubes.
A case of delayed detection of esophageal intubation is described. Preoxygenation and pulse oximetry were used, and the first indication of tube misplacement was arterial desaturation indicated by the pulse oximeter. The combination of preoxygenation and pulse oximetry may contribute to delays in early detection of endotracheal tube misplacement for the following reasons: (1) preoxygenation results in a pulmonary reservoir of oxygen sufficient to maintain arterial hemoglobin saturation for an extended period of time; and (2) the maintenance of normal arterial saturations for an extended period after inadvertent esophageal tube placement may lead the practitioner to initially seek other causes of declining oxygen saturations. Although pulse oximetry is an acknowledged advance in patient monitoring, it must not be utilized as an early indication of correct endotracheal tube placement.
J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. · Sep 1987
Case ReportsBilateral fixation of a nasotracheal tube by transfacial Kirschner wires.
Because of the high margin for error with transfacial internal wire fixation, even in the hands of an experienced practitioner, alternative modalities in the treatment of zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures should be considered. When the use of transfacial rigid wire fixation is indicated, emphasis should be placed on prevention and early recognition of nasotracheal transfixation to avoid unnecessary postoperative catastrophies.
Iatrogenic rupture of the stomach has been reported as a rare complication of nasopharyngeal oxygen therapy. A new case of this life-threatening condition is reported and diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures are briefly discussed.