Articles: hyperalgesia.
The whisker pad area (WP) is innervated by the second branch of the trigeminal nerve and experiences allodynia and hyperalgesia following transection of the mental nerve (MN; the third branch of the trigeminal nerve). However, the mechanisms of this extra-territorial pain remain unclear. The ionotropic P2X(7) ATP receptor (P2X(7)) in microglia is known to potentiate, via cytokines, the perception of noxious stimuli, raising the possibility that P2X(7) and cytokines are involved in this extra-territorial pain. ⋯ Allodynia/hyperalgesia after MNT was blocked by intracisternal administration of etanercept, a recombinant TNF-α receptor (p75)-Fc fusion protein. Intracisternal A438079, a P2X(7) antagonist, also attenuated allodynia/hyperalgesia and blocked up-regulation of mTNF-α and sTNF-α in the TNC. We conclude that sTNF-α released by microglia following P2X(7) activation may be important in both the initiation and maintenance of extra-territorial pain after MNT.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2013
Thermal hyperalgesia after sciatic nerve block in rat is transient and clinically insignificant.
Ropivacaine has been associated with transient heat hyperalgesia in sciatic nerve blocks in rat. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the hypothesized presence of transient heat hyperalgesia after perineural injection of ropivacaine with a secondary subanalysis of 2 published studies. ⋯ Although statistically significant, the single time point measurement represented only an 11% change from baseline and was no longer present 30 minutes later. These data support the need for a reevaluation of the interpretation that pain can be worsened by perineural ropivacaine injection.
Musculoskeletal pain conditions, particularly those associated with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) affect a large percentage of the population. Identifying mechanisms underlying hyperalgesia could contribute to the development of new treatment strategies for the management of TMD and other muscle pain conditions. In this study, we provide evidence of functional interactions between two ligand-gated channels, P2X₃ and transient receptor potential V1 (TRPV1), in trigeminal sensory neurons, and propose that the interactions serve as an underlying mechanism for the development of mechanical hyperalgesia. ⋯ Significant phosphorylation was observed at 15 min, the time point at which behavioral hyperalgesia was prominent. Previously, activation of either P2X₃ or TRPV1 had been independently implicated in the development of mechanical hyperalgesia. Our data propose P2X₃ and TRPV1 interact in a facilitatory manner, which could contribute to the peripheral sensitization known to underlie masseter hyperalgesia.
Int J Hyg Environ Health · Mar 2013
Multiple chemical sensitivity: on the scent of central sensitization.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent, non-specific symptoms in response to chemically unrelated exposures in non-toxic concentrations. Although the pathophysiology of MCS remains unknown, central sensitization may be an important factor contributing to the clinical manifestations. ⋯ Increased capsaicin-induced secondary punctate hyperalgesia was demonstrated in MCS patients without comorbid, overlapping disorders, suggesting facilitated central sensitization in MCS.